Are Hinge Standouts Mutual? Do Hinge Standouts Reappear? Are Hinge Standouts Active? How Do Hinge Standouts Work? Hinge Rose Jail
Hinge dating app traditionally used one primary feed to show profiles to people on the app (commonly known as discover). This feed allowed anyone to like and/or comment on anyone’s profile without a match or mutual like needed for it to send through.
However, Hinge is known to monetize users like no other ever since the acquisition and in an effort to create more revenue streams they created a new paid product called Hinge roses.
Hinge roses were the equivalent of a Tinder Super Like or Bumble Super Swipe in hopes of getting users to think they can stand out from the masses. Shortly thereafter, Hinge then decided to ramp up its efforts by dedicating a new feed of profiles in which only roses (paid) can be sent to users.
Below you will find information about whether standouts appear in normal feeds, are sending roses cringy, is sending a rose on Hinge weird, are standouts mutual, is it worth sending roses, how to stand out and how to tell if you are a standout on Hinge.
Related read: Hinge Prompt List (complete list, with ones that get the most responses)
Related read: How To Make A Good Hinge Profile
What Does The Star Mean On Hinge?
The star is the queue for standouts on Hinge. This is where you can view standouts which is a separate feed from the normal/regular queue.

Who Are Hinge Standouts? Hinge Standout Meaning? How To Like Hinge Standouts
Hinge’s new feed is called ‘Standouts’ which is separate from the feed that one typically sees on Discover. The definition is rather vague but it is described as a combination of people who are ‘getting the most attention’ and based on previous likes and matches.
The only way to communicate with Hinge Standouts is with sending a rose (comment optional).
Related read: How To Be More Attractive In Person & In Dating Profiles
Do Hinge Standouts Appear In Normal Feed? Will Standouts Appear In Discover?
There is a lot of confusion around this, but typically the Standouts on Hinge do not appear in Discover at the time they are Standouts however, standouts are refreshed every 24 hours so someone who is in Standouts 1 day may not appear the next day and assumedly is thrown back into the normal queue.
With that said, said standout will have received many roses on one day and may get so overwhelmed that they may not see regular likes and comments, as roses elevate a users’ visibility to said profile (priority queue).
TLDR; Hinge Standouts may show up in regular feed before/after being a Standout but not guaranteed depending if they take a break, delete account, your filters, their filters etc.
“The people you see in Standouts may occasionally appear in your Discover feed, but it’s not guaranteed.” -Hinge Help Center FAQ’s
Are Hinge Standouts Active? Does Hinge Show Inactive In Standouts?
Unfortunately, you can’t assume profiles on Hinge are active and similarly, can’t assume Hinge Standouts are active as well.
One theory is that Hinge uses inactive, popular profiles to get users to come back to the app or that Hinge uses these profiles to bait users to spend money on roses.
One should not assume Hinge Standouts are inactive because they have not replied to them – by definition, these users are getting bombarded by other users on a single day (perhaps close to their subscription ending?)
How Long Do Standouts Stay On Hinge? Hinge Standout Refresh?
Every 24 hours.
Are Hinge Standouts Mutual? If Someone Is In My Standouts Am I In Theirs?
Not necessarily. Hinge Standouts refresh daily, so it’s highly unlikely that both you and said profile are mutual standouts for each other.
Similarly, given their popularity and priority queue of users sending them roses, it’s possibly you will have a harder time being seen, noticed than other non-standout users on Hinge.

Hinge Standouts vs Hinge Most Compatible – Hinge Standout Algorithm
Hinge Standouts are a curated feed of users based on aggregate data factors whereas Hinge Most Compatible (in theory) are based on factors more closely tied to your likes, preferences etc.
It’s possible that users in Standouts may appear in Most Compatible but don’t wait. Anyone who is high in demand likely will not be on the app for much time as they will find someone quickly or get overwhelmed by unwanted attention and too many likes/comments from people they are not interested in.
If you are not getting interesting, attractive suggestions in Hinge Most Compatible, it might be your preferences, lifestyle choices, appearance, or swiping etiquette (swiping outside your league too much).
More on Hinge Most Compatible here.
How To Become A Hinge Standout, How Do You Get On Hinge Standouts
Fill out your profile, be creative, unique and be interesting, approachable and charming via your writing, effort and photos. Being attractive helps.
Tips on how to fill out your Hinge profile here.
Hinge Standout Rose Hack, How To Get Hinge Standouts On Normal Feed
If you are like most people, you are probably curious as how to get Hinge standouts on normal feed. Wait a few weeks after you see someone in Standouts and you might see them in your normal discovery feed. Also, become more interesting, attractive and in demand.
Hinge Rose Cringe – Are Hinge Roses Cringy? Is Sending A Rose On Hinge Weird?
Yes, they are rather desperate. Best to invest in your smiles, approachability, wardrobe, posture, photos, writing skills, timing, hobbies, interests, health and exercise.
More on Roses, super likes, super swipes here.
When Do Roses Refresh On Hinge? What Day Do Roses Refresh On Hinge?
New free roses are available each week – users get one free rose per week on Sundays.
Related read: Swipe Limits/Refreshing
Hinge Tips For Men, Women
Learn how to make a good Hinge profile, what prompts to use, what info to put in a profile, should you add photo prompts & photo captions, add IG to profile, send comments with likes, send roses?
Are Hinge Standouts Fake? Do Standouts On Hinge Pay?
No, they are as real as other profiles in the discover feed. They don’t pay for the feature as they are chosen by Hinge. These are not paid ads by the users but can be treated as such as paid ads by the app to get people to pay money.
Am I On Hinge Standouts? How Do You Know If You’re A Standout On Hinge?
If you have to ask, you are likely not. With that said, if you notice getting an unusually high number of roses and fewer likes on a day, it’s possible you are on standouts that day but not guaranteed. Ask one of your matches.
Hinge does not tell you if you are a standout.
Can You Only Send Roses To Standouts On Hinge? Why Can’t You Like Standouts On Hinge?
No, you can send them to anyone. Should you send roses? That is another question. Read this. Hinge is a company, not charity. It makes money by figuring out ways to get people to pay for certain features.
When Do Roses On Hinge Reset? What Time Do Hinge Roses Reappear?
Sundays the roses refresh.
Hinge How Many Roses A Day? How Many Roses Do You Get On Hinge?
Users get one rose a week on Hinge.
Alternatives To Dating Apps
How to meet men, women without dating apps. Alternatives to online dating. Where to meet women, men in real life. How to meet women, men offline, in-person.
Are Hinge Standouts The Same For Everyone?
No, they are loosely based on your demographics, preferences etc.
Hinge Standouts Not Working, Hinge Standouts Not Loading, Hinge Standouts Hack
It could be there are no standouts in your area at that time. Give it time. It’s not like you want people to be there (harder to match with standouts than when the profile shows up in the regular feed). If you use the app regularly, expect profiles to show up in the regular feed the next day or two.
Hinge Priority Likes
Read this to know what they are, how they work and how they compare to roses.
Does Hinge Hide Attractive Profiles?
They do temporarily via standouts but they appear later. If you want more attractive profiles, you need to work on yourself and learn how the algorithm works.
Hinge Rose Jail – Hinge Rose Jail Theory, Hinge Rose Jail Meaning
Hinge rose jail is the idea that users are required to send roses (pay money) in order for users to send likes to attractive people (usually behind standouts). Yes, dating apps have an incentive to withhold attractive profiles to get people to pay money but that is not needed.
Standouts appear in a regular feed if you:
-are patient
-have corresponding attributes that align with others preferences
-don’t volume swipe right / tap heart
-send comments with likes; send good comments with likes; send unique comments with likes
-are not only swiping right/tapping heart on people mostly out of your league
-do not re-create profiles/try to game the system
-do not use fake photos, use model photos to boost attractiveness, switch locations/orientation to get more likes to boost attractiveness
If you do try to game the system, Hinge may shadowban you.
Do Standouts On Hinge Come Back?
They might but not if they leave the app, you don’t go through enough profiles or these see your profile and they block you. Even if a Hinge standout does come back, it may not be for a long time depending on your filters.
Are Hinge Standouts Out Of Your League?
Not necessarily but you will want to read this first.
About Eddie Hernandez
Eddie is a dating coach for men & women in San Francisco (clients in NYC, LA, Chicago, & beyond ), as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, red flags, lifestyle choices, hobbies, communication, social skills, screening time-wasters & offline efforts. Check out the new dating blog here.