How Does Bumble Work, How To Use Bumble, How Does Bumble Swiping Work, How Does Bumble Work For Guys, Girls, How To Use Bumble For Free?


Bumble is a popular dating app and ever since its IPO, it has received a lot of interest from people who see this as an opportunity to be a different type of dating app (read more about my most recommended dating apps here).

Bumble app has largely positioned itself as a woman-first dating app and has enacted more rules around who can message first, bans on certain types of photos, and guidelines around inactive accounts with the hope of building trust and establishing a good reputation.

It has upended traditional societal norms around who should message first on dating sites and created an environment that allows women to control which men can message them but there has been some unintended consequences along the way.

A shift in user behavior has resulted in men swiping more often (relying on a volume approach strategy) and women experiencing low effort, low response rates, ghosting, and generally bad etiquette around messaging, communication skills and date planning.

Below is an overview of the app with clarification on intentions, interpretations, etiquette, explanations, how to use Bumble (how does Bumble work), how to use Bumble web (Bumble desktop mode), Bumble location and how to navigate the app, so you don’t waste your time.

Related read: Bumble Profile Template  |  Bumble Etiquette  |  Bumble Profile Tips

For Bumble Bantr Live FAQ’s, keep scrolling down.


How Does Bumble Work? 24 Hour Rule Bumble, How Does Bumble Messaging Work

The app can be a bit confusing for those that are used to using sites like Tinder or Match so here are some answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on Bumble. For my review on Bumble app, check out this post.

Bumble is different in that women control who can message them. A match is created when two individuals like each other, and women are forced to send the first messages in order for the guy to contact them. Women have 24 hours to send a message before a match expires.

Men have 24 hours to respond otherwise the match expires. On the free version, one cannot see who liked them (part of the paid version of the app). Once each user send a message, the 24 hour time is gone and users are not forced to reply in a certain timeframe.

Related read: Bumble Premium Pros & Cons


Which Way Do You Swipe On Bumble?  What Do Likes Mean On Bumble? 

If you like the person, you swipe right. If you want to pass on the person, you swipe left. If you are not sure, close the app, wait a few seconds and open it up again. If the same person shows up, try adjusting your filters.

Not all likes are done purposefully. Not all likes mean someone wants to go on a date with you. A like just means that the person finds you interesting and/or attractive and wants to learn more about you.


Do Girls Swipe First On Bumble? Bumble FAQ, Do Girls Have To Message First On Bumble?

They can, but they don’t have to. Anyone can swipe right on anyone at anytime when their profile appears in the queue. They can choose to swipe first but they may or may not know if a guy has seen their profile, likes them etc. Women typically have to message first to start conversations after matching but guys can now send compliments with likes. Of course, you don’t have to message or like at all if you put your IG in your bio.


What Are Bumble Matches? Bumble Match Meaning, Are Bumble Likes Real?

Matches on Bumble are when two people flick their finger and swipe right on each other. That is all it means. It doesn’t mean they read your profile, saw all your photos, read your bio or even swiped right intentionally. It doesn’t mean they want to chat, it doesn’t mean they want to go on a date, doesn’t mean they want a relationship and certainly doesn’t mean they respect your preferences.

A match means nothing without effort, messaging, responsiveness etc. All a match means is that someone may want to learn more about you but it could also mean they want to sleep with you, scam you, accidentally swiped right on you, or find a penpal. That’s why these are called introduction apps – dating apps are not ordering apps.

Given how polished some profiles are, how heavily edited some images are and how often people don’t message/reply, it’s pretty normal to ask yourself if Bumble likes are real.

Related read: Why don’t Bumble matches message me?


I’m On Bumble, If I See A Profile, Does That Mean They Saw Mine?

No, you can’t assume anything. It’s possible but not guaranteed nor likely. It’s even possible that a guy that liked your profile didn’t even look at your profile (some guys swipe right on everyone!).

Related read: Online Dating 101


What Is A Good First Question To Ask On Bumble? How To Use Bumble As A Woman

Definitely do not write how is your day, week, evening, quarantine, weekend, etc. This is the most unoriginal, lazy question. Read the person’s profile, look at their questions. If they have no conversation starters, why did you swipe right on them?

Having a good profile and photos can be wasted inf your first message to a guy is lazy and lacks effort.

Related read: He’s Just Not That Into You


Bumble Profile Tips!

Learn how to make a good Bumble profile, what prompts to use, what to put in a profile (photos, interests, bios & more). Addit'l help w/ boosts, compliments, messages, best photo/photo order, Bumble premium & more.

Bumble Admirers: What Are Admirers On Bumble? Matches vs Admirers On Bumble

These users have swiped to the right on your profile but you haven’t swiped to the left or right on them yet. Bumble Premium subscribers can see all admirers in their beeline.

Admirers may not appear in your swipe deck because your filters are too strict. Loosen them up to see more admirers.


Bumble Photo Verification, What Does Blue Check Mean? Bumble Verification

The photo verification process (although not perfect or exhaustive) does greatly reduce the number of fake accounts on the app.

The user experience from a female perspective can greatly reduce the number of unwanted messages a woman can receive by giving her the ability to control who can message her.

Do not mistake verified accounts for exhaustive background checks. Nothing can replace patience, quality time and good judgment.


How Many Swipes Do You Get On Bumble? Swipe Limit? How Many Free Likes On Bumble

There is not a specific amount of profiles. If you begin to swipe too much, too quickly and/or have too strict criteria selected, you will run out soon. Bumble will display the screen “Bumble You’ve Hit The End Of The Line.” It can be 20-30, sometimes up to 50.

Bumble is a bit more liberal with new profiles but it will dwindle over time despite profiles repeating. Other sites claim unlimited swipes, but that is untrue.

Rather than swipe recklessly and too much, contain yourself. Chances are you are sabotaging your profile with bad prompts, photos or bio. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so slow down, see what works and iterate.

Related read: Bumble Swipe Limit, Reset Info


What Does The Star Mean On Bumble?

It means super swipe.


Bumble Like Limit, Out of Likes On Bumble, When Do You Get More Likes On Bumble?

Bumble likes are limited. Once you run out, you have to wait to get more.

Related read: Bumble Like Limits, How Many?


How Often Do You Get Bumble Likes? Average Number Of Likes On Bumble For A Girl

That will depend on your age, location, appearance, height, education, hobbies, photos, facial expressions and gender etc. With that said, it’s possible to get less likes on Bumble with Incognito mode as a guy since women use this feature and can’t see you.

Women are not that eager to send likes first themselves (wait to see who likes them) so you have to be proactive if you want to see results.

Related read: Online Dating As A Man  |  Online Dating As A Woman


How Much Does Bumble Cost? Is Bumble Free To Message? Do You Have To Pay For Bumble?

The basic aspects of the app are free, but it costs extra for certain bells and whistles outlined below.

I typically do not recommend paying for these upgrades unless you have specific deal-breakers or are urgent in meeting someone. It’s free to message but as a guy you have to wait to get messaged first unless a woman lists her IG account in which you can message her there first.


Bumble 14 Day Free Trial Offer, How To Get Bumble Free Trial Premium?

During the viewing of profiles, you will get the opportunity to get a free 14 days trial. It will recirculate more than one, and my advice is to not activate until you have a good profile and photos to get the most out of it.

In fact, I advise not to even create a profile until you have a good profile, otherwise you will waste first impressions. How to get it for free? Find a sponsor to buy it for you.

For more info on Bumble Premium, read this.


Bumble Shake aka Backtrack, Accidental Left Swipe, Rewind – How To Go Back On Bumble

If you accidentally left-swipe on someone, you can shake your phone like a shake weight to undo it. You have a limited amount (usually three) so proceed with caution.

UPDATE: Bumble changed their backtrack feature. Instead of shaking the phone, one has to click the undo arrow in the top left of the screen. Backtrack is now also apart of Bumble Boost which is a paid feature.


How Do I View People I’ve Liked? How Do I See People I Liked On Bumble? 

You can’t view people you’ve liked on Bumble unless they like you back.

Automatic Left Swipes!

Don't waste more time than you already have to with dating apps. Most people are unaware of small things that cause people to left swipe on them (bios, prompts, photos and more).

What Are Likes On Bumble? How Do Likes On Bumble Work

Likes are merely a one-time interest in another profile. It doesn’t mean they think you are attractive, it doesn’t mean the other person read your profile, it doesn’t mean they want to go on a date with you, it doesn’t mean they aren’t talking to other guys, girls.

It’s up to you to figure out the context of the like and if it is worth getting to know the other person in more detail.


Bumble Reactions, Should You Use Reactions To Photos On Bumble? Bumble Emoji Reactions

These emojis allow users to react to a profile prompt or photo on a profile. It allows people to specifically react rather than send a generic like. Yes, reactions can be effective unless you comment on things you shouldn’t comment on.

Emojis are not available to all users, fyi.


What is the Bumble Match Queue? Bumble Match Queue Explained, Queue Order

Match queue Bumble is the order in which profiles are served up to users on the app. It is based on algorithms, location, preferences and demographics. Once someone likes you you will appear in their queue.

The more picky you are the fewer profiles will be shown. To unlock Bumble Queue and see who likes you, you will need to subscribe to Bumble Boost. Order is based on showing you profiles that will set to expire first.


Bumble Algorithm, How Does Bumble Decide Who To Show You? 

Similar to Hinge, Bumble boosts new profiles and shows them to many people early on to get an idea for desirability. After that initial period, the amount of times your profile is shown reduces, goes back to normal (which is why you might see fewer likes after a few days, weeks).

Bumble tends to show travelers in town and those using travel mode from a distance first to artificially inflate user counts and give people a false sense of hope.


Is the Bumble Boost Settlement Legit? Bumble Discrimination Lawsuit, Class Action Lawsuit

Bumble Boost Settlement / Class Action Lawsuit Info:


What is Bumble Beeline? Is Bumble Beeline Accurate? Beeline vs Admirers

The beeline is a feature that Bumble has that allows you to view who has already liked you (but you have not matched with yet). The profiles are hidden until you happen to right swipe on them at which point they will appear in your match queue.

Over time, those in the Bumble Beeline may disappear (delete profile, hide profile etc.). Similarly, many of those in your beeline may be from out of town, undesirable age range etc. Paid subscribers can apply filters to users in the beeline. Beeline visibility requires a subscription to Bumble Boost (legacy users).

If you are in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Ireland, France, Germany, or the UK, the Beeline will only be available in the Bumble Premium subscription. Beeline is what Bumble use to refer to as Admirers.


How To See Who Liked You On Bumble? Can’t See Beeline, Unlock Bumble Beeline

If you don’t want to wait to see who has liked you already, you can pay. Many people only like people in this queue which can be efficient for some folks but you will unlikely match with people utilizing the same strategy.

You can unblur the profiles in your beeline by swiping right on profiles until you happen to swipe right on the person who happened to swipe right on you already or you can pay for Bumble premium services to see your Beeline on Bumble.



Dating Profile Templates

New to dating apps? Not sure what questions are asked? Check out my dating profile templates so you can draft answers before you go live. Don't mess it up by not being prepared!


Bumble Photo Guidelines, Rules: Bumble Profile Moderated, Bikini Photos

Most dating apps and sites follow the same technical requirements for dating profile photos.

With that said, Bumble has a more stringent set of photo guidelines more so than most other dating apps including no photos in underwear, bikinis, topless mirror/bathroom selfies, no guns and more.

You can read the full list here: If your photo or name violates one of these items, it will be marked as being moderated by Bumble.


What Are Prompts On Bumble? How Many Prompts Does Bumble Have?

Prompts are a set of questions you can select to add to your profile in which you answer them yourself. You can select up to 3 prompts if you like and have 160 character to answer them.

Once you add them to your profile, you cannot delete them, only replace them with other prompts/questions. That’s why it’s possible not to have any prompts if you never added them. Read: Tips on Bumble Prompts (Bumble Prompts For Girls, Guys).


How Do You Ask Questions On Bumble? What Should I Message On Bumble? What To Say?

For men, you have to match first with women and wait for women to message you first. For women, you have to wait until a match is established and then you have 24 hours to message a match. Read this guide on first messages and opening lines on Bumble.

Related read: Questions To Ask Him/Her On Bumble


Is Extending On Bumble Creepy? Is Extending On Bumble Desperate?

I wouldn’t say it’s creepy but I would not use it. If someone is interested, they should let you know.

Often times people are on the fence or not in a good place themselves or are busy with other people. Focus on those that match your effort, responsiveness.

Related read: Creepy Behavior On Bumble


How To Use Bumble Video Chat and Voice Line

After matching, the woman can initiate a call or video using the icons in the upper right of the screen. Men can do so as well but only after the woman makes the first move. More on video chats and dates here.


Can You Rematch With Someone On Bumble, How To Rematch With Expired Match

This feature allows users to re-engage an expired match. Most matches that expire are not meant to be.

Very rarely do people have a legitimate excuse not to message someone. At the very least a quick note explaining that you are busy, had a tragedy etc. is provided.

With that said, this features preys on the insecurity of users – what if (s)he ran out of time? If someone is on your mind and of strong interest, that person will find a way to convey this.


Harsh Reality Of Online Dating

Do dating apps work for men? Should women try online dating? Pros, cons, warnings, and things to know before using dating apps.



Bumble Shows Me People Outside My Area

People move around. People also pay to change their location. People use the apps while traveling for work or on vacation. Keep reading below to find out why Bumble shows you people outside your area.


What is Bumble Travel Mode? Should You Use Bumble Travel Mode? 

It is a premium feature that allows users to change their location up to 7 days for 5 coins (in house currency)

Travel mode on a profile can feel a bit tacky and suggest you are looking either to hookup up while traveling, looking for a casual fwb travel guide, are misrepresenting where you live or you are indifferent about staying put where you live currently. It’s a red flag for many and should be turned off immediately.

To turn off Bumble Travel Mode, select settings, travel button (blue) and set ‘current location’.

Related read: Bumble Travel Mode


Bumble Inactive Profiles – Does Bumble Show Inactive Users?

Per last update, “Anyone you see on Bumble has been active in the last 30 days,” Emily Wright, Bumble’s Associate Director of Global PR told Elite Daily (January 2019.

“We also recently launched Snooze, which is a new feature that allows users to pause their activity on Bumble, including options for prioritizing mental well-being, digital detox, or vacationing.”


How Do You Know If Your Bumble Matches Are Online?

Bumble added a green dot to profiles to let you know when matches are online.


Bumble Hide Matches, Does Bumble Hide Matches?

No, you have to understand how Bumble works. Once matches are outside your preferences/deal-breakers, they are hidden. Most likely scenarios are those that were in your area when you swiped/matched but no longer are around. This is coming if you or the other person was traveling while swiping or using Travel Mode.


What is Bumble Snooze Notifications? Does Bumble Notify When You Return? 

You can choose length, reason for staying away for matches if you choose. This feature is called Prioritize Yourself on Bumble.

It is a pause feature that allows users to temporarily hide their profile and pause the app from showing profile to new people. 

Once you un-snooze, your matches will be notified that you are back online with a message similar to ‘X is no longer away, welcome them back.’


What Does Bumble Deleted Member Means? Bumble Deleted Account

Whenever someone deletes their profile and uninstalls the app you will see a message near the top of the conversation. There is no way to message the person anymore. It’s likely they met someone else, got tired of the app, or is taking a pause. It could also mean the user was banned from the app.


Does Bumble Have Read Receipts? Does Bumble Show Read Receipts

No, there is no read receipt on the Bumble app. Read receipts are not necessary on Bumble or other dating apps. Stop being insecure and focus on those that do reply to you. That said, you can tell if someone has read your message if they reply to your message and show they read it – and that is all you need.  Ignore people that don’t respond and focus on those that do, simple.


What is the Average Age On Bumble? What Age Group Is Bumble For?

Dating App Usage and Median Age


Bumble Desktop Mode aka Bumble Web, How Can I Download Bumble For PC

Older dating sites like and OkCupid were web based dating sites first when they first launched but newer apps like Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel are mobile app only dating sites. The app is free to download but there are some costs for additional features, filters etc.

Bumble took an unusual step to create a desktop version of the app which is a great idea if you want to get off the small screen and review details and photos more carefully. There is nothing to download for web browsing – just need to login.

Bumble Online Sign-In: (Bumble Web)

Bumble Apple Download  |  Bumble Google/Android Download


Bumble Incognito Mode

Bumble Incognito Mode

Bumble Incognito Mode Not Working? Bumble Incognito Mode No Matches

It’s likely because you have not activated yet. Available through Bumble Premium.

If you are not getting matches, check this out for ways to troubleshoot it. Yes, men can if they pay for the service on Bumble. Unfortunately, this includes married men too. If you are a woman and you use Incognito mode, you have to send guys like first otherwise they will not see you.

Related read: Biggest Lies Told On Dating Apps


Bumble Private Detector, Banned Accounts

This feature from Bumble is an algorithm that scans photos for lewd photos i.e. Dick Pic Inspector. Possible photos will come with a warning ask you to view possible photos that have been detected.

You can delete the photo and block the user as well. Those found to have sent such photos will be banned from the app (available on iOS only as of May 2020).


What Is Bumble Incognito Mode? How Does It Work? Who Can See My Bumble Profile?

It allows you to hide your profile except for those you right swiped on. In a way, it makes it easier for people to cheat on their partners as it limits who can see your profile.  More on Bumble Incognito Mode here (including Bumble Incognito Mode cheating). Without Incognito Mode, anyone can see your profile.


Does Bumble Show Profiles That Have Already Left Swiped Or Rejected You? Repeat Profiles?

Yes, Bumble does show profiles of people that have left-swiped on you in case users change their mind. Similarly, Bumble shows profiles you have left-swiped on in case you change your mind or accidentally left-swiped on.

With that said, popular people don’t stay on the app long nor are they likely to see all likes, matches or even reply to matches. Bumble shows you profiles that rejected you so don’t read too much into this.


Can You See How Many Times Someone Has Viewed Your Profile On Bumble? 

No, Bumble does not display view counts to users and thus no, you cannot see how many times someone has viewed your Bumble profile unfortunately. That said, does it matter? Why do you need this information? Go about your life and do you instead of worrying about strangers on the internet that you will likely never meet anyways?


Are There Fake Profiles On Bumble? Is Bumble Full Of Fake Profiles?

There are very few fake profiles on Bumble as opposed to Hinge and definitely Tinder. The verification process weeds out a lot of fake people but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect nor does it mean people lie on their profile.


How To Change Age On Bumble, Can You Change Your Age On Bumble?

Changing your age on Bumble is not possible once you set it. Too many people lie about their age on the site and blame it on the app or Facebook. This is not an accident.

People purposefully lie about their age to get more matches or want to lower their age so they can improve performance.

You will have to contact Bumble to set your age correctly and admit you lied or want to lie about your age. Most people who lie do it because of insecurity with themselves.

Regardless of the excuse they give on the app, view it as a red flag and skip over them. Don’t fall for their attempt to be cute and mislead you – what else are they lying about? 



Lying About Age On Bumble, Woman, Female, Bumble Bio

Can You Screenshot On Bumble? Does Bumble, Alert Notify Users Of Screenshot? 

Yes, you can screenshot profiles on Bumble. No, Bumble does not notify other users that you screenshotted their dating profile. Bumble does not show screenshots to other users.


Can Guys On Bumble See When You Look At Their Profile?

Bumble doesn’t notify users if guys on Bumble look at your profile. Similarly, Bumble doesn’t let others know you looked at their profile unless you right-swiped on them or reacted to a photo (which implies you looked at their profile). Guys on Bumble can’t see when you look at their profile.


Can Guys See If You Swipe Right On Bumble? Do Guys See If You Match On Bumble?

Yes, guys can see if you swiped right on them if they match with you or if they pay for premium services like Bumble Premium to see their Beeline.

If you match with a guy, he will not know if he is a free member unless you message him within 24 hours so don’t expect him to message you via IG if you match because he may not know you matched.


Can Guys On Bumble See If When You Look At Their Profile?

No, not unless you like them, super like them. Men on Bumble cannot see when you look at their profile.


Unmatching On Bumble: Bumble Ended The Chat – Reporting Users On Bumble

In an effort to reduce harassment and bad behavior, Bumble is now allowing users to report profiles after a user unmatches them on the app.

In the past, people would unmatch people they met up or went on dates with to prevent them from reporting them to the app or to local authorities.

Now you can go to the chat, select ‘Need Support’ and then ‘Delete From Chats’ or Report User. More on rejection, ending chat etiquette here.

When it says: Look like someone ended the chat, that means they unmatched you.

More on unmatching here.


Should I Use My Real Name On Bumble, Bumble Etiquette, Bumble Moderated Name

Yes, if not people will swipe left or report you. If you are uneasy about sharing details about something like your name, you are likely not ready to use dating apps.

Bumble Boost vs. Bumble Premium Update| Bumble Subscription Options, Bumble Spotlight, Bumble Free vs Paid

Bumble is doing some serious testing on their paid products in light of their upcoming IPO. Some features are only available in certain countries.

To read more about dating app premium features and if they are worth it, read this post. There are so such things as free Bumble Boosts, fyi.

*If in New Zealand, Australia or the UK, Bumble introduced two new subscription options – Bumble Premium and revamped Bumble Boost.

Revamped Bumble Boost includes:

Bumble Premium includes:

  • Access to unlimited Advanced filters
  • Access to your Beeline so you can see your admirers
  • Travel mode
  • Backtrack
  • Ability to extend time on your current matches
  • Rematch with users who have expired
  • Unlimited ‘Yes’ votes
  • One Spotlight per week
  • Five SuperSwipes per week

Sign up to Bumble Premium by clicking on the pixelated square in your match queue or to view both options click the silhouette in the bottom left hard corner and tap your preferred subscription.

Bumble Spotlight: Get boosted for 30 minutes. Costs $6 per boost or as little as $1.67 if you pay for a 30 pack.

* If you are located in Australia, New Zealand or the UK you will no longer have the option to subscribe to the legacy Bumble Boost subscription.

* * If you previously subscribed to legacy Lifetime Boost, you’ll automatically be converted to the Premium tier once it’s available in your country/region.

For updated info on Bumble Premium vs Boost read this post.


Is Bumble Boost Worth Paying For? Does Bumble Worth Without Paying?

It can be if you want to get noticed sooner, but it won’t make you more attractive. Focus on improving your photos first. Plenty of people do just fine on the free version, but there are some tips and strategies recommended getting the most out of the free version.


How To Unblock Someone On Bumble

Once you block someone, you can’t unblock them.


Bumble New Here Badge – How Long Does Bumble Say New Here

This is a badge displayed on new user accounts for about 14 days. It might feel longer than that if a user continually creates a new profile. See profile reset here.


Does Bumble Show Most Attractive First? How Does The Bumble Algorithm Work?

Sometimes, but it depends on how long you are on the app and your location with respect to others on the app. New users typically see a lot of attractive people when they first join the app.

Lots of moving parts so newer, hotter people who just moved within your radius might show up later in the queue if you have the app open long enough.


Is Bumble Good For Over 50?

It can be but the users start to thin out over 50 even in big cities. You will have to be patient and have realistic expectations if you are seeking single men in shape or single women without kids.


Is Bumble Good For Guys? Does Bumble Work For Guys? Bumble Review For Guys

Yes, it’s a great app but it can be superficial. Those that usually don’t like it are those that are swiping outside their league, lack self-awareness, have bad profiles, have lifestyle choices different from those they seek, live in remote areas, or lack approachability, timing and/or patience.


Bumble Political Filters, Bumble Remove Political Filters

This was done so that people would not try to out others there for the protests, rioting in DC. More on that here.


Bumble Filters (Gone, Removed, Advanced, Free & More), Bumble Advanced Filters Gone

Bumble allows anyone to use the main filters which include age, gender and distance. Beyond that, the advanced filters are limited to 2 free ones and beyond that, additional filters require a premium account.

Advanced filters include height, verified profiles, exercise, education, drinking status, smoking status, cannabis status, date intentions, want or have kids, star sign, politics and religion.

Most of these are not exhaustive given that many people don’t fill out all these items leaving hidden gems out of your view if you select them.

Related read: Full Set Of Bumble Filters


Does Bumble Give Notifications? Bumble Notifications Not Working

To change notifications, select the user profile icon at the bottom left, select the gear icon to open settings and then scroll down and tap notification settings. Sometimes there are errors with settings as some people unmatch instantly after getting the matching but before you open the app.


Does Paying For Bumble Get More Matches? Do You Get More Matches With Premium?

Yes, but likely less quality matches from people further away, outside your league, narcissists, travelers, influencers etc. Best to focus on optimizing your profile to get better, quality matches.

Related read: Bumble Subscription Cost, Pricing Info Here

Bumble Boost vs Bumble Premium

Does A Girl Know If You Swiped Right?

Yes, if they pay for premium or you match.


What Happens After You Swipe Right On Bumble, What Happens When A Guy, Girl Likes You?

A few things can happen. If the person you swiped right on previously swiped right on you, you both will be notified on a match being established. If the other person has not swiped right on your profile yet, nothing will happen.

The other person might be notified if they have a paid account otherwise no notification will occur on either end. If the person encounters your profile and swipes right, the match notification will trigger.

If the other person swipes left on you, you will not be notified at all regardless of account status, paid service add-ons.


Does Bumble Notify The Girl When You Swiped Right? Will A Guy Know If A Girl Swipes Right?

In most cases no unless the girl has a paid account. Even then, she may not see a notification if they are disabled or if she doesn’t use the app often or has so many likes that she doesn’t bother looking at all of them. Thus swiping at optimal, strategic times is key.


Bumble IRL Events, Bumble In Real Life Events, Bumble In Person Events


How Do You See Who Swiped Right On You On Bumble?

You can pay for the premium account to see likes or you can swipe right on everyone and assume all matches are a result of the other person swiping right on you.


Why Is It So Hard To Match On Bumble? Is Bumble Competitive?

Matching on Bumble is harder because the quality of women is generally higher than on sites like Hinge and guys are unable to send a comment along with a like as seen on apps like Hinge and Coffee Meets Bagel.

As such, guys have to rely on the strength of their photos, bios and prompts which is tough without crafting a witty introduction line.

Perhaps try apps like Hinge if you struggle with Bumble


Is There A Bumble For Guys?

It’s called Tinder.


What Is A Deal Breaker On Bumble?

Bumble has certain fields for users to fill out around demographics, lifestyles. Deal-breakers are traits you wish not have in profiles shown to you.


How Does Location Work On Bumble? Bumble Lives In vs Location

Bumble uses 3 locations:

-Location: (GPS, distance from user, required)

-Hometown (manually inputted, optional)

-Lives In (manually inputted, optional) 


Will Bumble Update Location If I Don’t Open The App? Does Bumble Change Location Automatically?

Yes, it’s possible based on the settings and permissions you set. See this for details.

Bumble Icons: Bumble Icon Meanings, Bumble Symbols Meaning, Explained (Top Left, Bumble Icon Top Right, Bumble Shield Icon), Bumble Circle, Symbol Meanings

Yellow Star/Shield – Superswipe

Yellow Dot – Unread Messages

Blue Checkmark – Verified Profile (Bumble Verification)

Green Circles – Admirers (Those That Have Right-Swiped On You, But You Haven’t Swiped Right On Them)

Yellow Circle Around Profile (Bumble Yellow Circle) – Clock Countdown (Expiration)

Red Circle Around Profile (Bumble Red Circle)- Time Is Almost Up

Blue Circle Around Profile (Bumble Blue Circle)- Extend Was Applied, Countdown has begun

Green Lightning Bolt – Bumble Boost

Yellow 4 Sided Star – Bumble Spotlight

Shield – Verified Account

Briefcase – Job

Red Dot, Heart Icon – Section Of App Signaling People Who Already Liked You

How To Continue The Conversation On Dating Apps

How to continue the conversation on dating apps like Hinge, Bumble when things slow down or responses take longer.

How Does Bumble Work For Women, How Does Bumble Work For Females?

They swipe on profiles they like. If someone likes them back, a match occurs. If the woman is still interested after the match is established, she has to message the guy first otherwise the match will expire within 24 hours.

Unfortunately, some guys swipe right on every profile (value approach) given they can’t send first messages to stand out and also due to the fact that women don’t always message their matches. Even those that do respond are not always putting in the effort, are slow to respond or let the conversations fade away.

How does Bumble work for women is similar to how to Bumble works for men except the part about order.


Bumble Best Photo Feature, Most Popular Photo

Bumble has released a feature that tests photos and recommends which one(s) are your best and thus which ones you should use. While it’s good to use this to get feedback on your photos, it has it’s drawbacks.


What Do Guys See On Bumble? What Do Guys See When You Matched On Bumble?

Same thing women see. They can’t see who has seen their profile (unless you like them too and they pay for premium or happen to match with you in which case they liked you too, as well).

The only difference is that they won’t see the option to send a message like women do when matching.


Can You Skip Someone On Bumble? Bumble Save Profile For Later

Yes, you can skip someone on Bumble but you may not be able too see them again. To skip someone on Bumble, you can close the app, change your filters but, you might lose out seeing them if they fall outside your new filters or outside your distance range. Before doing so, click recommend to a friend (bottom) so you can save a profile.


Can You Set Age Preference On Bumble? How To Change Filters On Bumble, Who Can See Me? 

Yes, tap the icon in top right to change filters when in the discover tab (viewing profiles) to change age preferences on Bumble.

Anyone outside your preferred age range can see you unless you use incognito mode or unless they lie about their age.

See: Bumble Filters


Can You Tell If Someone Has Bumble Premium?

Not really, unless you ask them.


Bumble Beeline Disappeared

It can happen if someone deletes their profile, gets banned, or unmatched you.


Bumble Swipe Data: How To Request Data From Bumble Dating Site


Incognito Dating Apps, Discreet Dating Apps, Bumble Incognito Mode Cheating

Lots of people like Bumble because of the incognito mode (ability to hide profile until you like someone). Guess what, creeps and married folks like it too. There are ways to find out if someone is using Incognito mode. In my coaching sessions I help clients find cheating spouses, tell if they person they matched with is married or doing something shady.

Other incognito dating apps include

New To Online Dating - Beginner Guide To Dating Apps

 New to dating apps? Confused whether to try matchmakers, date-me-docs, speed dating or stick to offline efforts? If you are recently single, divorced, new to dating or just frustrated, let's talk!

Bumble See Who Superliked You, Superswiped You

There will be a yellow bar next to the heart symbol to indicate that the person superliked you. With that said, superlikes are meaningless and rather pathetic. Don’t read into them.


Accidental Left Swipes Bumble. How Do I See Someone Again On Bumble

It’s possible but not guaranteed depending on how long they are on the app for, if the blocked you or if they went incognito since you last saw them.


How Does Bumble Work For Free?

You cannot tell who liked you unless you both right-swiped each other. Similarly, matches expire if no one sends a message after 24 hours of matching.

After a first message is sent, matches can still expire if someone doesn’t respond back within 24 hours of the first message being sent.


Bumble Free Extend, How Many Free Extends Do You Get On Bumble

Users get one free extension a day to use on expired matches.


Do Bumble Filters Work Both Ways?

No, your filters are only for who you want to see. What you select doesn’t affect who you see unless you subscribe and buy Bumble Premium and activate Incognito Mode (see above). 


Matches Not Messaging On Bumble, Why Do People Match On Bumble But Not Message, Reply

Matches mean nothing. They could have lost interest, accidentally swiped right on you, met someone they are more interested in.

It could also be you have little to know conversation starters in your profile, photos. It could be they google’d you and found something unflattering.

Related read: No Replies On Dating Apps


How To Get More Likes, Matches On Dating Apps

If you are struggling with getting likes or matches on Hinge or Bumble, then you will definitely want to read this. Tips on bios, prompts, photos, comments, and more.


Matches On Bumble Disappear

It happens. Could have blocked you, changed their mind, deleted their profile, or gotten banned.


Bumble Profile Disappeared Before I Could Swipe

You snooze, you lose. Hurry up next time. Could re-appear, could not. Depends if they moved, you moved, they got banned, they blocked you, they took a break etc.


Bumble Compliments? What Are Bumble Compliments, How To Use Them?? 

Since many women hate making the first move or are terrible at first messages, Bumble created a way for people to send compliments on photos, bios or prompts with up to 150 characters. More on that here.


Bumble Bantr Live? (Rebrand: Bumble Speed Dating), How Does Bumble Speed Dating Work

It’s like a speed dating effort by Bumble which happens for 1 hour, once a week on Thursdays. It’s a crappy feature that will likely go away soon. More on Bumble Speed dating here.


Bumble hints From Guys, Can Guys Give Hints On Bumble, Are Bumble Hints Exclusive

Hints are given by guys to girls after they match. They are not exclusive. You are not special.

How To Change Your Name On Bumble?

Learn to spell it correctly when you create your profile. If you make a mistake, contact Bumble directly.


Online Dating Etiquette

Online dating rules, etiquette & more from texting, matching, first messages, date planning, liking vs. commenting, not interested, when to meet & more.


Can You Block Contacts On Bumble?

No, but you can use Incognito Mode. Even if you could, wouldn’t matter as many guys you other contact numbers to create profiles i.e. Google Voice etc.


Something Casual Meaning Bumble? Something Casual Bumble Bio

Could be a hookup, short-term dating, or undefined relationship similar to a FWB.


Bumble Nearby Distance, Radius, Meaning; What Is Nearby On Bumble, How Close Is Nearby?

Assume nearby means around 20 miles but it can change based on your density, location. Rather than worry about likes you cannot see, focus on your matches you do get. Don’t get distracted by things you can’t see/control.


Why Does Bumble Show Me Guys Far Away?

Could be they are using travel mode or they were near you at one point or you are running out of profiles (adjust your filters).


Bumble Extend Match

Extending matches on Bumble beyond 24 hours is a feature for premium accounts. Learn more here.


Can’t See Matches On Bumble, How To See Matches On Bumble Without Paying, For Free

Change your search/preference criteria. Matches are different from beeline (likes). Beeline are people that liked you but you have not swiped right on and those are not matches.

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie is a dating coach for men & women, as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, lifestyle choices, hobbies, social skills, screening time-wasters & offline efforts. Check out the new dating blog here.