Decoding Popular Phrases On Dating Sites: Dating Profile Translations, Buzzwords – Dating Site Code Words, Hidden Messages In Dating Profiles (Hinge, Bumble)


When it comes to dating profile bios, there is a lot of ambiguous language and phrases one will encounter on men’s and women’s profiles. It’s not just misleading photos or even fake profiles that one has to worry about.

Most are often cliche, generic, boring, lazy bios and prompts people use in their online dating profiles that don’t offer much detail, context. With that said, there might be more to these phrases than meets the eye. Below are interpretations of dating profile bios to help you navigate the muddy waters of modern dating culture.

Related read: Online Dating Slang


What Should I Look For In A Dating Profile, Dissecting Dating Profiles, Dating Site Code Words

People signal things in their profile whether intentionally or not. How they spend their time, what they seek, how they take in the world etc. Don’t ignore clues, don’t make excuses don’t overlook red flags.

Related read: What do your dating profile photos signal?


What Should You Not Put On An Online Dating Profile, Men, Women

Some phrases are meant to deflect truth, suggest intentions or avoid honesty. These are generally red flags and codes for hidden meanings. Some are intentionally ambiguous, while others are pretty upfront and obvious.

Knowing these dating profile buzzwords ahead of time will save you time and heartache. As a professional dating coach, I have seen some pretty cringy, boring, lame language in bios and answers to prompts. Avoid these generic profiles to make yourself stand out.

Below is your decoder ring to help you decipher what people mean when they write boring, cliche phrases in their bios and prompts on their online dating profiles.


Worst Dating Bio Phrases, Code Words, Cliches, What Dating Profiles Really Mean

Related read: Worst Bumble profiles.

Bumble Dating Profile Example ENM, Bumble Bio, Bumble About Me Male, Female

Just Ask | Ask Me Anything | I’m An Open Book – What Does Just Ask Mean

My life sucks, I have nothing to write here. I am lazy and want you to do all the work as I sit here.


I Am New Here, I Am New In Town

I am looking for a tour guide and fun places to go on dates with other people (not you).


Fluent In Sarcasm

I’m a humorless asshole who gets off on belittling people and being a manipulative, bitter person.


Living My Best Life

Stuff people say to make themselves feel better, have purpose. If it was true, would not need to be said. Stay clear.


Can’t Handle Me At My Worst, Don’t Deserve Me At My Best

I have multiple personalities. Batshit crazy.


I’m A Nice Guy

Men who believe basic social expectations, gestures, and manners are currency for sex.


Swipe Left If | Don’t Waste My Time

I lack the ability to screen profiles, read people and use good judgment.



With respect to sexual activities, partners, situations and arrangements.


Laundry List Of Must-Have’s

I have nothing to offer in life.


Looking for the Jim to my Pam

The Office TV show reference. A girl looking for her soulmate. She is boring, basic, unoriginal and just sits in the corner quietly and expects you to do everything.


Pineapple On Pizza, Pineapple On Dating Profile, What Does Pineapple On Pizza Mean

I have no original thoughts and will play it safe in life and spend too much time on r/foreveralone on Reddit.


Would Be Nice If My Matches Said Hi

Matches ghost this person often, you should too. Maybe stop using lazy first messages like hi, hey, how is your day?

Worst Hinge Prompts and Answers, The Secret To Getting To Know Me Is, Hinge Profile Example, Hinge Profile Female, Male Hinge Profile


Work Hard, Play Hard

I micro-dose to function and do lines on the weekends.


Looking For Someone Easygoing | I’m Easy Going

See I’m Open-Minded.


Not Sure How This Works, LOL

I lack basic comprehension and shouldn’t be allowed to use the internet.


I’m Looking For A Girly-Girl

I am looking for a pushover who will not challenge me.


Looking For Someone To Make Me Laugh

Looking to date a clown for some kinky butt stuff.


Brunch, Hike, Mimosas, Festivals

Basic personality who takes queues from Instagram to tell me how to lead my life.


No Drama | Drama-Free (Drama-Free Meaning), What Does No Drama Mean?

There is no room for drama, as I have too much already for the two of us.


Must Be Able To Carry A Conversation

Judgmental and will never let you get a word in.


Here For A Good Time, Not A Long Time

Also has a profile on Grindr.


Instagram Handle On Bumble, IG Only In Bio – Putting Instagram On Dating Profile Bio

The Instagram account will lead you to their OnlyFans profile. Makes money from strangers watching their streaming account.


Good Vibes Only, Positive Vibes Only – What Does Good Vibes Mean On Dating Apps

I’m not good at sorting complex emotions and maturity. Don’t expect me to be bright, insightful, cultured nor interesting. Also, strong chance of troubled past i.e. emotionally abusive exes. Looking for someone to provide unlimited positivity since they lack so much in their lives.


Wanderlust | Digital Nomad

Bad at relationships. Leaves town when things get difficult.


[Insert Height] Because Apparently That Matters.

Insecure simp.


Something Casual Bumble: What Does Something Casual Mean On Dating Profiles?

Looking for something short term, likely a  hookup.


Online Dating Etiquette

Online dating rules, etiquette & more from texting, matching, first messages, date planning, liking vs. commenting, not interested, when to meet & more.


Dating Profile Meanings: What Do They Really Mean? Decoding Profiles On Dating Sites

Sick Of Games, Not Here For Games

I have multiple babies with multiple people.


Ethically Non-Monogamous / Poly (ENM, Ethically Non-Monogamous Tinder), ENM Meaning

Ethically Non-Monogamous (Tinder ENM meaning)

Woman looking for a man to let her partner / husband have fun with while she watches.

Related read: ENM Dating Apps


I’m In An Open Relationship

Guy who has never dated and thinks you will think he is cool because he has a partner and not a loner.


Not A Fan Of Politics

Trump Supporter.


Only Emojis In Profile

I can’t write at all.


Peace Sign In Photos

I lack creativity, I am boring AF.


Health Conscious

No fatties.


Entrepreneur – Guy w/ Entrepreneur In His Bio

Unemployed, drug-dealer, hobbyist with irrational company idea.


Don’t Be A Stranger

When a guy says, “Don’t be a stranger” it means he wants you to chase him or at least put in more effort. Don’t fall for this manipulation tactic.


No Hook-Ups

Will not have sex on a first date but will definitely do so on date #2.


Not Looking For A Relationship

Looking to bang. That’s it.


Something Casual Means On Bumble, Something Casual Relationship Meaning Dating Apps

No commitment, possible FWB, or hookup. Maybe just something to cuddle with (with or without clothes). It could also mean something with no pressure but possibly long-term if things go a certain way.

Hinge Dating Prompt, Answer Idea, Example, I'm Looking For, Hinge Profile Female, Male Hinge Profile


Not Looking For A Penpal

Likely is terrible at texting themselves. Wants to plan a date asap only to flake on you.


Hi, Hey, How Are You, How Is Your Day / Weekend / Afternoon / Evening?

I copied and pasted this to everyone.


Friends First

I have no friends and am an emotional vacuum and will use you as my therapist.


Tech at Tech Company

I am just another employee exploiting people for wealth.


Down To Earth

Has no ambitions in life. Lives on the couch.


If You Can’t Handle Me At My Worst, You Don’t Deserve Me At My Best

I am a mess. Run.


Show Me Around (Just Moved Here)

I’m too cheap to pay for a tour guide. I’m too lazy to initiate anything. Will just lay down and stay still, quiet during sex.


My Kids Come First, My Son / Daughter Is The Center Of My Universe

Shitty Parent. Some things are obvious, don’t need to be said unless you have reason to try to persuade people otherwise. If you are a great parent or don’t know how to screen people who don’t respect your situation, that says more about you and your ability to screen profiles and read people.


Must Love My Dog, Must Love Dogs, I’ll Probably Like My Dog / Your Dog More Than You

You will be the third wheel in our relationship. I will love my dog more than you.


If I Super Swiped You It Was An Accident, If I Super Liked You, It Was By Accident

Narcissist. Makes poor decisions in life. Needs help.



I don’t want you to think I’m easy.


Biggest Mistakes Men Make On Dating Apps

Common mistakes guys make on Hinge, Bumble. Biggest mistakes to avoid on dating apps. What not to do online dating.

I Like Staying In And Going Out

I am a human.


Dog Mom

My dog lives in my purse or a stroller and is fed with baby bottles and is burped in public.


Someone Who Doesn’t Take Themselves Too Seriously

All about one-night stands.


I’m Adventurous // Adventures. What Does Adventures Mean On Dating Sites

I don’t believe in condoms. Most likely not, but ambiguous bios can be left up to interpretation. Be specific, use examples.


My Friends Say I’m Pretty / Good-Looking

My friends don’t know how to lie to my face.


I’m Really X Years Old | Bumble Won’t Let Me Change My Age | Age Is Wrong

I am too insecure about my age, and it shows.


I’m Romantic | I Love Cuddling | I’m Affectionate

Sex-addict or virgin.


I Have Two Roommates

Guy lives with his parents.


I Love To Laugh

I am a serial killer.


Number of Countries Visited

Shallow, Instagrammer. We will be featured on Boyfriends of Instagram, whether you like it or not.


Please Be Emotionally Available

I attract emotionally unavailable people 24/7.


Does Anyone Actually Read Profiles?

A cliche way to deflect having to write about yourself.


School Of Hard Knocks

Lives at home with parents, unemployed.


Here For Friends Only

Why are you on dating apps then? Do you know what dating means?


Knows How To Treat A Lady

I’ve only dated a-holes, please help me out!


Where Are All The Real Ladies At?

I haven’t found any on Grindr after all these years.


Where Are All The Good Guys At?

I keep ignoring red flags in guys. Help.


Worst Hinge Prompts and Answers, Idea, Example - My Most Controversial Opinion Is, Hinge Profile Example, Hinge Profile Female, Male Hinge Profile

Hidden Messages On Dating Profile, Hidden Messages On Hinge, Bumble

Bonus Points If

I will treat you like a school kid.


Try To Keep Up With Me

I get around.


What Does Taco Mean On Dating Sites? What Does Tacos Mean On Bumble? Hinge?

Cliche bio, prompt answer.


What Does Hang Out Mean On Dating Sites?

It can mean naked cuddles, Netflix and OTPHJ, or it can be tequila slaps. How the hell am I suppose to know, or anyone suppose to know. Be specific, use examples. Don’t be vague, cliche.


OTPHJ Meaning

Over the pants hand job


What Does Here For A Good Time Not A Long Time Mean?

They want sex only, no relationships.


SSDGM On Dating Profiles, What Does SSDGM On Tinder Mean?

Stay Sexy, Don’t Get Murdered


Partnered, Non-Monogamous

Guy’s profile: single, excuse to make him look cooler, more desirable.

Woman’s profile: her man wants to explore butt stuff with you.


Looking For Fun Tinder Meaning, What Does Fun Mean On Dating Sites

Looking to get naked,


What Does Open-Minded Mean On A Dating Profile? Hinge, Bumble?

It’s ambiguous. It could be cultured, naturally curious, open to trying new things whether it’s activities or sexual positions or arrangements i.e. butt stuff of non-monogamous relationships.


Group Photos On Dating Profiles

Rule of thumb: it’s never the attractive person in the group photo. Assume it’s the least attractive person in the group.


I’m Bad At Replying

It’s an excuse to suck at life and be selfish. It motionless during sex, will likely be on bottom and will probably have earbuds on while watching Netflix.


I’m Not On Here Much, Message Me On…

Bot, scammer, narcissist, lazy person. Pick any.


Pet Free Tinder Meaning, What Does Pet Free Mean?

They have no pets.


Emoji Meanings, Decoding Emojis On A Guy’s Dating Profile, Tinder Emoji Meanings

Eggplant ~ penis.

Peach – butt


I’m Bad At Texting, I’m Not Good At Texting, Prefer To Meet In Person

We all like to meet in person but if you lack basic communication skills, you might want to avoid the person.


She Updated Her Dating Profile, He Updated His Bumble, Hinge, Tinder Profile

You are not exclusive, you are just dating. People should always optimize their dating profile. She is allowed to update her dating profile just like you are. If you are too insecure to deal with this, perhaps apps are not for you. Stop worrying about this piece of info, otherwise, just meet people offline without apps so you can ignore this noise.

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie is a dating coach for men & women in San Francisco (clients in NYC, LA, Chicago, & beyond ), as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, red flags, lifestyle choices, hobbies, communication, social skills & offline efforts. Check out new dating blog here.