Funny Hinge Prompts For Guys; Good Hinge Prompts Answers For Girls, Best Hinge Prompts, Hinge Prompt Answers, Hinge Prompt Ideas, Examples

There is quite a bit of self-sabotage in dating profiles (cringy photos come to mind) but profile prompts should not be overlooked. Photos are definitely important, but the Hinge prompts you select and the way you answer them can make or break you.

Too many people make the mistake of making a boring, generic and cliche dating profiles that can offset great photos. Funny Hinge prompts can leapfrog you over the competition, as they help convey things about you beyond what can be captured in photos.

Hinge prompts are just one component of a Hinge profile (photo prompts, captions, vitals, virtues) and should be taken seriously to attract quality people. Low effort answers to prompts suggest low-effort people.


Best Hinge Prompt Answers For Guys, Women, Hinge Prompt Ideas

The more you reveal about yourself, the more you will be taken seriously by others. You can’t expect to get more than you put in. For those seeking help setting up a Hinge profile, review my dating services here.

Below are some tips on what Hinge prompts get the most responses, which prompts you should avoid, how to answer prompts, best Hinge prompt answers, funny Hinge prompts, and new profile prompts added to the app (and why you may not be able to access them). Also, learn about the new Hinge Intentions below (what are they, how to add them to your profile).

New! voice prompts, video prompts & poll prompts (click here)


What Are Prompts On Hinge? How Do Hinge Prompts Work? Hinge Prompt Ideas

Prompts are interview-type questions and conversation starters you can add to your profile that enable you to answer them to provide information about yourself as opposed to a blank free form bio.

The idea is that these prompts provide ideas for people to write about themselves. These are usually a combination of witty, funny, anecdotal, insightful, playful and random thoughts, answers and observations.

Since there is no bio or about me section on Hinge (like with Bumble and other apps), you are limited in what you can write about yourself.

They signal intent, lifestyle, personality, priorities and interests. If your photos are basic or if you hate writing about yourself, prompts are your best friend.

Unlike other apps that require you to answer questions, Hinge lets you choose 3 prompts or questions to answer. Choosing the right ones are key as they can factor who is shown in your ‘Most Compatible’ feed.

Using good prompts can set you up to answer them in a way that makes your profile stand out. Selecting bad prompts can make it hard to answer them beyond a one-word answer.

This guide will show you all the prompts on Hinge and will feature my recommendations to help you answer them.


Why Prompts Will Help You Get More Matches, What Are Good Hinge Prompts?

While photos (particularly your main profile photo)will have the single biggest impact on your dating success, bios, prompts, and answers provide context, details and signal sincerity, effort, and intention.

Ignoring captions, prompts and thoughtful answers can offset good photos you might otherwise have instantly. Sure, great photos can offset sub-par bios and prompts, but not everyone has awesome profile photos that are great conversation starters and are flattering.

Similarly, having great prompt answers can make it others to comment on. If you have vague answers, people might have a hard time messaging you after matching. This is one of many reasons people get matches but no messages on dating apps. A match means some level of interest when they see your profile but interests levels can fade or change once they explore options.

Addressing all aspects of online dating is the best way to improve success with dating apps. It could be that Hinge is not the best app for you based on your age, gender, lifestyle and location. It’s a great app, but not recommended for everyone.


Hinge Profile Examples: Bad Prompts To Avoid On Hinge, What Not To Write On Hinge

Not all prompts are the same – there are quite a bit of awful ones you should avoid! These are typically ones that elicit one-word answers or ask people to do something (more on that later in this article). Other bad prompts are ones that are distant and over no insight into you now. The worst prompts are ones that are biased and have no way for others to validate answers, personality and authenticity.

The best Hinge answers are ones that provide insight, tidbits about your life, what motivates you, what you are passionate about, who you are, and how you spend your time. Choosing bad Hinge prompts makes it harder to offer up the best Hinge answers in your profile.

A good prompt on Hinge can inspire good creative answers as well as responses from potential suitors. An unpopular opinion can stir up good conversation and banter, while a bad prompt and answer can offset your photos.

A good prompt can invite an opening to be random, quirky, unique, insightful, bold, and humble if done correctly. Usually, this is harder to do with other apps with a bio, but no prompts to provide a seamless introduction.

Related read: Hobbies & Interests For Dating Profiles


Hinge Question List / Hinge Full Prompt List (List Of Hinge Prompts 2024)

Hinge offers over 75 different prompts for users to decide. Some prompts are easier to find than others, while new ones are released over time. View the list below before creating a profile, so you can get the most out of your profile when it’s first created.

It’s important to start off strong since your profile will be shown the most within the first few hours, and days and slow down after that. The list of prompts changes over time, so check back for updates to the list (more prompts added below, keep scrolling for new ones).

A full list of up-to-date Hinge Prompts can be found here.

How Many Questions Can You Answer On Hinge? How Do I Add More Prompts To Hinge?

The answer is 3 prompts max, but you can change or edit questions at a later time.

Related read: Worst Hinge Profiles To Avoid


Hinge Tips For Men, Women

Learn how to make a good Hinge profile, what prompts to use, what info to put in a profile, should you add photo prompts & photo captions, add IG to profile, send comments with likes, send roses?

Good Hinge Prompts For Girls, Best Hinge Prompt Answers For Women

Click the blue circle with the ‘+’ sign to expand the prompt and see how to answer the Hinge prompt.

Related read: Worst Dating Profile Bios

I know the best spot in town for -

This shows your knowledge of local hotspots, ability to be in the know, hobbies, interests, lifestyle as well possible compatibility for similar taste. Knowing the either hot new openings or surprising a date with an under the radar place can show your similar tastes in food, drinks, culture, music or outdoors.

Pro-tip: Knowing about the best spot is great but if you have other places to compare the dish/item to in the city that will lend more credibility and expertise. People love to learn new things and being an expert can help you establish some credibility.

Sample Answer: Espresso martinis and hot winter cocktails.

I get along best with people -

My greatest complement about people I have met, know and surround myself with are the type of people they themselves surround themselves with.

Knowing the type of people you like to add to your inner circle is quite revealing and shows how you view others. Passions, priorities or lifestyles are the way to go here when linking such traits.

I get along best with people who (sample answer): Who don’t walk slow or stand on the left side of escalators. Bonus points if you have Global Entry, know how to grab seats at the bar area of restaurants and have Eater as your homepage.

My role in the friend group -

Allows an open-ended discussion about who you are, what you are like and how people close to you view you.

I want someone who –

This is a great prompt for those who are direct, know what they want and not afraid to ask for it. Focusing on character, personality, how someone views the world, what they prioritize will go a long way vs. listing dealbreakers which can be viewed as defensive language and inability to trust people.

Sample answer: Isn’t afraid to laugh at themselves, is passionate about the people in their lives and work that the day, is interested to know where their food comes from and cares enough about their appearance before the leave the house but aren’t obsessive about it.

I’m convinced that –

This allows for some open-ended answers and conversation as well as an unpopular opinion. It’s an opening to be bold, assertive, random.

Pro-tip: Pineapple on pizza is the most cliche answer here. Don’t use this unless you want to get X’d/ For more cliche profile examples, check this bingo card:

Sample answer: The cancellation of the Kardashians is the best news of 2020. I also am convinced that coffee cocktails are the perfect cocktails during quarantine.

I’m convinced that examples

Don't hate me if –

This is one of my favorite prompts. If done well can balance self deprecation and boldness with a possible humble brag.

There is a fine line between having an unpopular opinion and being too obscure or weird. Generally having good photos can give you more leeway when it comes to these revelations.

A life goal of mine –

Shows ambition, passion and priorities. You can take a less serious tone and offer something playful, silly or self-deprecating but too much can signal you are not looking for anything serious or just looking for something casual for the time being.

I geek out on -

Use this prompt to be a little quirky, random, or unconventional. Playing it safe will just make you blend in with the other cliche profiles. See:

I flip out over –

This provides an opportunity to voice guilty pleasures, trivial obsessions and passions.

An ability to nerd out over something obscure is more effective than professing your love of The Office, Game of Thrones or something cliche that offers no insight into personality.


My biggest date fail –

This can show your ability to laugh at yourself but could also be TMI. Self-deprecating humor can show an understated sense of confidence in your own skin if done correctly.

The ability to recognize failures and move on is quite an admirable quality in people on dating apps when the norm is to not reveal too much.

We’re the same type of weird if / I’m weirdly attracted to –

Things can get weird quickly or they can reveal something that is flattering but not obvious. Think hard before answering this but if you are able to nerd out and connect over something you are passionate about, that can be just enough to open the door.

A social cause I care about –

This might be easier to share this part of your life instead of through a cliche selfie/photo. This opening allows for a small humble brag about your unselfish efforts as well  as something near and dear to you.

Sometimes this prompt is not necessary if you have a photo that captures you volunteering with your preferred non-profit.

Favorite holiday tradition –

You can definitely play it safe and show you are close to your family and have some great rituals or you can highlight some interesting, quirky traditions that give a glimpse of what one can expect if things go well between the two of you.

Helpful if you family is local or lives in a cool part of world, not so much if it is somewhere where you or your partner don’t want to go 1-2x per year.

I’m overly competitive about –

Think carefully about this, answer wrong and you can get instantly ignored. Answer correctly and you may have found your “partner in crime”.

By the way, don’t use that term on profile. Also listing ‘everything’ is not only cliche but boring and vague.

I’m actually legitimately bad at –

This can create an opening for admitting something embarrassing which can be viewed as a sign of confidence, comfort in your own skin.

However, pick something like laundry, dishes, eye contact or something personal and you risk scaring off a potential suitor.

Worst fad I participated in –

Choose wisely on this. Pick the right fad and you might bond over something so terrible a decision that you can connect over your dorkiness, silliness. Choose wrong and you might be seen as gullible, seeking attention/acceptance from others or lame.

The award I should be nominated for –

A good humble brag about something unique can go far in describing something random about yourself but if award is mundane it can be a waste of space on your profile.

Something self-deprecating here can also be quite effective as it shows confidence through vulnerability.

On my bucket list / Next vacation spot / Next Vacation I Want To Go On-

Is you bucket list or vacation spot interesting? Is it insightful? Is it more than 2 words? Explain. Avoiding cliche places like Iceland, Tulum, Machu Picchu and Taj Mahal are recommended.

I spend most of my money on –

For those looking to meet someone financially responsible, well off this could be a way of communicating your financial situation.

My most irrational fear –

Vulnerability is always a good thing when done right but make sure what you write is not revealing or TMI.

One thing I’ll never do again / Worst idea I’ve ever had –

Something you did a long time ago, something people are curious about but never muster up the confidence can be revealing and a great way to show how you have grown up but if you come off as resentful, negative or too gullible it could hurt your profile.

Done tastefully, revealing something clumsy can be quite endearing.

Weirdest gift I have given or received -

Can be a great way to reference something obscure and random that invites follow up questions.

My ideal fake sick day -

Show what you prioritize or truly appreciate in life…

My happy place -

Pick a good one, make sure its nostalgic, classic or somewhere unique and briefly explain why.

I'll know it's time to delete Hinge when -

Shows your intention, how you show trust and what you are looking for in life.

This year I really want to -

Have at it. Some self-deprecating humor during Covid is something that will give you sympathy points if you know how to spin it.

This year, I really want to Hinge answers.


Hinge: Worst Idea I’ve Ever Had (Answer, Example)

Hinge Prompt and Answer, Hinge Funny Answer To Prompt, Worst Idea I've Ever Had, Hinge Profile Example, Hinge Profile Female, Male Hinge Profile

Funny Hinge Prompt Answers, Creative Hinge Answers For Girls, Guys

-Random Fact I Love,

-Give Me Travel Tips To,

-First Round Is On Me If,

-I Go Crazy For (I go crazy for Hinge answers include: brunch, wine, travel, dogs etc. these are common not unique or even recommended)

-Where To Find Me At The Party

-We’ll Get Along If,

-I Take Pride In (removed)

-The Key To My Heart Is,

-All I Ask Is That You,

-I’ll give you the setup, you guess the punchline

-You Should *Not* Go Out With Me If,

-Green Flags I look for,

-Don’t Hate Me If,

-Pet Peeves,

-The Sign Of A Great First Date,

-How My Mother Would Describe Me,

-The Most Spontaneous Thing I’ve Done,

-Fact About Me That Surprises People,

-Try To Guess This About Me,

-Saying Hi in as many languages I know

-How to pronounce my name

-Guess the song

-My celebrity impression

-A Shower Thought I Had Recently,

-The One Thing You Should Know About Me Is,

-I’ll Pick The Topic If You Start The Conversation,

-The Biggest Risk I’ve Taken,

-The Best Way To Ask Me Out Is By,

-Qualities I’m Looking For In A Plus-One Wedding Date,

-What Are You Looking For,

-Dating Me Is Like,

-I’ll Fall For You If,

-A quick rant about

-My Mantra Is,

-I’m A Regular At,

-You’ll Know I Like You If,

-Together, We Could,

-My best celebrity impression

-I’ll Know I’ve Found The One When,

-The Dorkiest Thing About Me Is,

-They Key To My Heart Is,

-The One Thing I’d Love To Know About You Is,

-The Way To Win Me Over Is,

-What If I Told you That,

-If I still had AIM, my away message would be

-My favorite line from a movie

-Teach Me Something About,

-If Loving This Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right,

-I Won’t Shut Up About

-I Bet You Can’t,

-Best Travel Story,

-Do You Agree Or Disagree That,

-Let’s Debate This Topic,

-I Recently Discovered That,

-One Thing I’ll Never Do Again,

-You Should Leave A Comment If,

-Unusual Skills,

-Proof I have musical talent,

-Two Truths And A Lie,

-Never Have I Ever,

-I’m The Type Of Texter (removed)

-My Greatest Strength,

-Typical Sunday (typical Sunday Hinge answers are: laundry, hbo, brunch etc. – these are typical not unique, recommended)

-My best dad joke,

-My Simple Pleasures (My simple pleasure Hinge answers can include things that are random, disconnected, fictional, or hypothetical)

Funny Hinge Prompt Answers, Creative Hinge Answers For Girls, Guys

-Random Fact I Love,

-Give Me Travel Tips To,

-First Round Is On Me If,

-I Go Crazy For (I go crazy for Hinge answers include: brunch, wine, travel, dogs etc. these are common not unique or even recommended)

-Where To Find Me At The Party

-We’ll Get Along If,

-I Take Pride In (removed)

-The Key To My Heart Is,

-All I Ask Is That You,

-I’ll give you the setup, you guess the punchline

-You Should *Not* Go Out With Me If,

-Green Flags I look for,

-Don’t Hate Me If,

-Pet Peeves,

-The Sign Of A Great First Date,

-How My Mother Would Describe Me,

-The Most Spontaneous Thing I’ve Done,

-Fact About Me That Surprises People,

-Try To Guess This About Me,

-Saying Hi in as many languages I know

-How to pronounce my name

-Guess the song

-My celebrity impression

-A Shower Thought I Had Recently,

-The One Thing You Should Know About Me Is,

-I’ll Pick The Topic If You Start The Conversation,

-The Biggest Risk I’ve Taken,

-The Best Way To Ask Me Out Is By,

-Qualities I’m Looking For In A Plus-One Wedding Date,

-What Are You Looking For,

-Dating Me Is Like,

-I’ll Fall For You If,

-A quick rant about

-My Mantra Is,

-I’m A Regular At,

-You’ll Know I Like You If,

-Together, We Could,

-My best celebrity impression

-I’ll Know I’ve Found The One When,

-The Dorkiest Thing About Me Is,

-They Key To My Heart Is,

-The One Thing I’d Love To Know About You Is,

-The Way To Win Me Over Is,

-What If I Told you That,

-If I still had AIM, my away message would be

-My favorite line from a movie

-Teach Me Something About,

-If Loving This Is Wrong, I Don’t Want To Be Right,

-I Won’t Shut Up About

-I Bet You Can’t,

-Best Travel Story,

-Do You Agree Or Disagree That,

-Let’s Debate This Topic,

-I Recently Discovered That,

-One Thing I’ll Never Do Again,

-You Should Leave A Comment If,

-Unusual Skills,

-Proof I have musical talent,

-Two Truths And A Lie,

-Never Have I Ever,

-I’m The Type Of Texter (removed)

-My Greatest Strength,

-Typical Sunday (typical Sunday Hinge answers are: laundry, hbo, brunch etc. – these are typical not unique, recommended)

-My best dad joke,

-My Simple Pleasures (My simple pleasure Hinge answers can include things that are random, disconnected, fictional, or hypothetical)

Bumble Profile Tips!

Learn how to make a good Bumble profile, what prompts to use, what to put in a profile (photos, interests, bios & more). Addit'l help w/ boosts, compliments, messages, best photo/photo order, Bumble premium & more.

How To Change Hinge Questions, How To Get New Hinge Prompts

To update or replace Hinge prompts, you have to ‘x’ out one of your current prompts and then select update or replace.

The update allows you to change the answer to that Hinge question, while replace allows you to select a new prompt altogether.

Scroll down for new prompts (might require app updates through the app store first).

Does Hinge Update, Change Prompts? Does Hinge Add, Remove Prompts?

Hinge adds new prompts every so often and removes others over time. Check back here regularly for updates.

Related read: Questions To Ask On Hinge


Hinge Photo Prompts List aka Hinge Photo Captions, What Are Photo Prompts? 

They are similar to normal prompts but instead of answering questions with words, you use photos.

Below is the list of Hinge photo prompts (most you should not use, especially the ones I call out, but a few can have promise if used correctly – highlighted in bold). I much prefer custom captions as these are overused, boring, and unoriginal.

-How my friends see me

-Guess where this photo was taken (never use this, lamest photo prompt in the batch).

-Me in the wild

-My favorite thing to do while social distancing

-A special talent of mine

As seen on my mom’s fridge (only if the photo is of a photo on your mom’s fridge. this phrase refers to something wholesome or jokingly about what one would expect to be on there, don’t read into it)

-B-side of my camera roll (meaning of this refers to less important, out take, candid etc.)

-Caught in the act (bad photo prompt, if it’s good, no caption needed)

-Biggest risk I’ve ever taken

-Caption this photo

-Comment if you’ve been here

Dating me will look like

-Don’t judge me

-Don’t show this to my mom

-Felt cute might delete later

Found in my 90s time capsule

-Get someone who looks at you like

-Guess how many takes this took

-Guess the backstory of this photo (awful don’t use this). The backstory to one of my pictures is…

-Help me identify this photo bomber

-How I fight the Sunday scaries

-How history will remember me

-I can teach you how to

-I feel famous when

-I thought I deleted this one

-I’m learning how to

-It was fun and games until

-I’ll brag about you to my friends if

-I’m known for

-Leave a comment if you want to meet here

-Leave a one-word review for this

-Let me introduce you to my alter ego

-Let’s do this for our date from home (removed)

-Life outtake

-Lowkey flex

-Me and my best friend

-Me during Fashion Week

-Me In my blogging days

-Meme this photo

-Most exotic place I’ve been to

-My best blue steel

-My Instagram Story mostly contains

-My dog looks at me like this

-My funniest home video submission,

-My good side

-My life behind the scenes

-My life peaked when

-My love language is (sample answer, not recommended: dinner reservations)

-My proudest moment

My quarter life crisis looks like

-My submission to National Geographic

-My uniform

-My vulnerable side

-My weekends look like

-Never have I ever

-Plandid or candid?

-Post-coffee me

-Pre-coffee me

-Selfie #503 (selfie #503 meaning this means you take a lot of selfies – not a flattering thing to mention)

-Take me back to

-Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk

-That one dance trend I nailed

-The advertisement for my life would look like

-The moment I knew my modeling career was over

-The Way To Win Me Over Is

This could be us

-This should go viral

-You had to be there

-Write the sub-titles for this video

-Woke up like this

-Who wore it better

-Video most likely to win an Oscar

-The hallmark of a good relationship is

-Together we can be terrible at

-Which is more important to you

Funny Hinge Prompts For Guys, Funny Hinge Prompt Answers For Girls

Hinge Prompt and Answer, Give Me Travel Tips For, Hinge Profile Example, Hinge Profile Female, Male Hinge Profile

Can You Skip Prompts On Hinge? Can You Use Less Than Three Prompts On Hinge?

Once you choose prompts, you can’t delete them, you can only replace/update them. On some occasions, if you never selected prompts to begin with, it’s possible not to have them on your profile.


Most Cliche Answers To Hinge Prompts, Generic Hinge Prompt Answers To Avoid, 

Read this post to make sure you avoid sounding too basic, lazy, unoriginal or boring in your answers to Hinge prompts.


Hinge Answers For Girls (Hinge Profile Answers), Funny Hinge Prompt Answers

It’s easy to want to sound cute, but incomplete, vague or cliche prompts will likely increase chances of guys commenting on your looks. Put some effort into your profile, be unique, be vulnerable. Avoid cliche prompts that many women use in their profiles.

A good Hinge prompt answer is detailed, has examples and has about 2-3 ideas per answer. For example, if the prompt was I geek out on, a good sample answer would be:

I Geek Out On: Lazy days floating on the river with friends, checking out live indie bands at small intimate venues, stonefruit season at the farmer’s market and waterfall hikes.

Hinge Most Liked Prompts, Most Popular Hinge Prompts, Best Responses To Hinge Prompts

Read this.


Hinge Prompt Character Limit, Hinge Answer Character Limit

Read this.


Hinge Voice Prompt (New), Hinge Voice Prompt Ideas, Do Hinge Voice Prompts Help

It’s mostly the same written prompts, but users can record their answer to one of these prompts.

These can help if you have a good voice and you have a good answer.

Related read: Hinge Voice Prompt List


Newest Hinge Profile Prompts, New Hinge Dating App Prompts, Hinge Prompt Examples

These prompts came out in December 2021, so you can be certain that if you see one of these, the person updated their profile recently.

Let’s #Justchat about

My BFF’s take on why you should date me

Apparently, my life’s soundtrack is

I think I’m finally ready to

I wish more people knew

Let’s start a server for people who

New year, same

Something I want to try with you is

This is my year for

Three emojis that describe me

My personality type is

Something my grandparents taught me

I think I’m finally ready to…

Person I’d pick to be stranded with…

My childhood crush

I get myself out of a funk by

Most embarrassing song on my Spotify

How my parents met

Favorite place to hang out

Truth or dare

If we won the lottery, let’s spend it on

My cry-in-the-car song is


How To Get More Likes, Matches On Dating Apps

If you are struggling with getting likes or matches on Hinge or Bumble, then you will definitely want to read this. Tips on bios, prompts, photos, comments, and more.

Self-Care Prompts Hinge (New Prompts) – Hinge Prompt List

My friends ask me advice about

My cry-in-the-car song is

My self-care routine is

The last time I cried happy tears was

I get met myself out of a funk by

A boundary of mine is

My happy place is

My therapist would say I

I feel most supported when

Therapy recently taught me

To me, relaxation is

When I need advice, I go to

I hype myself up by

I wind down by

My last journal entry was about

Go-To dish to cook

My most traumatizing childhood movie

What makes me happy

My theme song


List Of Hinge Prompts

For a full list including voice, text and video prompts, click here.


Best Hinge Prompts For Guys, Funny Hinge Answers, Best Hinge Prompts And Answers

Unfortunately, you can’t just mimic the cute, short, bios some women use on Bumble. There are fewer women and women are in demand, so you will have to try harder than that to stand out. The best Hinge prompts for guys are those that are complemented by good photos and favorable attributes i.e. location, job, height, looks etc.


Hinge Prompts, Questions, Answer That Get The Most Responses, Clever Hinge Answers Girl

Read this.

Hinge Simple Pleasures (Funny Simple Pleasures Hinge, Simple Pleasures Answers)

This prompt answer can be specific and random in order to create connections or bonding over similar ideas, outlooks and the like. Some ideas can include: getting a tater tot in my order of fries, coffee bloom, fresh laundry etc.

Don’t these use though, these are cliche and not great. They are purely for illustrative purposes. Clients will be help with customized answers and frameworks based on their lifestyle, who they want to attract and their personality. Sometimes it’s brutal honesty, sometimes it’s self-deprecating humor, sometimes it can be something oddly specific that can make a funny hinge prompt.


Hinge Two Truths And A Lie, Prompt, Answer, Best Hinge Prompt Answers For Guys

Two truths and a lie has to be the worst prompt ever. Most people give answers that reveal nothing, or only someone close to them would know. Other times people can make the assumption the lie is the truth and that can make you look worse. Don’t use two truths and a lie.


Dating Me Is Like Hinge, Dating Me Is Like Answer, Dating Me Is Like Hinge Answer

Dating me like can be a hit or miss on Hinge. Most people have a poor sense of humor or rely on sarcasm which in of itself is cliche.


Green Flags I Look For Hinge Prompt, Green Flag I Look For Hinge Answer

Read this.


Hinge Prompt Responses – Together We Could, One Thing I’d Love To Know About You Is

The best responses to Hinge prompts are those that aim to make a connection and are unique. In my coaching sessions, I help you identify which prompt to comment on, how to comment on them and how to differentiate yourself from others.

Together we could Hinge answers: eat tacos, drink michaeladas on the beach, get sun burned at festivals and wait in line for croissants at (insert blank). Ideal answers have 3-4 bullet points, examples.

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie is a dating coach for men & women in San Francisco (clients in NYC, LA, Chicago, & beyond ), as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, red flags, lifestyle choices, hobbies, communication, social skills & offline efforts. Check out new dating blog here.