Do Guys Like Tall Women, Does Height Matter On Dating Sites, Dating A Short Guy, Why Do Women Like Tall Men, Dating And Height, Bumble Height Stats, Chart

Height is a rather delicate issue for many on dating apps. Lying about height is one of the most common lies told on dating apps by men (next to age, marital status, employment and age of dating profile photo).

Most guys think there is nothing wrong with adding 1-2 inches while others view kittenfishing as another form of lying.

I typically take the view that lying is lying whether one adds a few inches to their height, uses photos on their dating profile that doesn’t look like them now, fails to disclose they are married or states they are looking for a relationship but really have no interest now or with said person.

If you lie about height, what else are you lying about? Can you really be trusted about anything? Are you really that insecure? Below are tips on how to navigate dating apps, which apps are best for short guys, how to maximize visibility and what you should know about preferences from the opposite gender.

Related read: Should You Report Guys That Lie About Their Height?


Average Male, Female Height, Average Height For Men, Women

According to the New York Times, it’s 5’9″ for men in the United States.

According to the New York Times, it’s 5’4″ for women in the United States.


Why Do Men Lie About Their Height on Dating Apps? Is Dating Harder For A Short Guy?

Like age, men feel attacked whenever they are told no or told they can’t have something, especially if it’s out of their control.

Many successful men or men who have A-type personalities think money, status, confidence etc. can make up for height deficiencies and so it is not uncommon for a guy to add 1-2 inches to his height.

Unfortunately, some dating profile ghostwriters also think this is a good idea for their clients which makes the situation even worst.

Call it the Napolean Complex aka short man complex. You can see all the outrage by men online once Tinder announced the height verification feature on April Fool’s Day last year on Twitter.

Many guys on Reddit complain about dating apps and place all their misfortunes on when that will not acknowledge them unless they are 6 feet tall or look like a model. This jadedness permeates on all dating apps but especially Tinder.

Related read: Red Flags In Dating Profiles 


Tinder Height Verification

Tinder launched a height verification on April Fools a while back and of course incels were livid and suggested a weight verification for women (but of course). These reactions illustrate why so many men remain single not because of their height but because of their attitude, personality.


Tinder Height Verification

Tinder Height Verification



Most men feel that if they add 1-2 inches to bypass the height filters on dating apps that women won’t know or won’t care once they meet.

Some women prefer to date men at least 3-4 inches so they can wear heels with confidence where some shorter women (i.e. 5’0″ to 5’4″) still prefer guys 8-9 inches taller than them. It’s not uncommon for short men to lash out at these women for having “unrealistic expectations”.

Related read: Are Dating Apps For Losers?

Problem With Dating Apps: Dating App Fatigue, Negative Attitude

This back and forth unfortunately leads to a loop where women then increase their height preferences to reduce the chance that they meet guys their height or shorter. The guys that lie about their height ruin it for all guys.

Sure, men are more likely to meet and date taller women if they met offline, in person because they have appearance, looks, body language, vocal tone, timing and a woman’s attention to make a move.

If dating apps odds are stacked against them, why are guys on dating apps then? Well, these days, men are blaming covid for not having options.

Regardless of the reason, men are more likely to blame women, apps or societal norms rather than look at their own shortcomings (no pun intended).

Most men (and women too) have no idea the ways they are self-sabotaging their profiles with bad photos, profiles, captions, facial expression and lazy prompts.

Why Women Like Tall Men, Does Height Affect Dating & Do Women Date Short Guys? 

Even if a short guy is confident around women, they may not be as confident in other aspects of his life (friends, work etc.). Dating apps are all about first impressions, approachability, timing and luck.

Yes, filters make it tough to get past those initial filters, so it’s best to focus on what you can control, influence (smiles, wardrobe, approachability, financial stability, confidence / comfort in own skin, interests, passions and lifestyles).

These are the attributes that all women seek in a male partner however taller men tend to exude more confidence, attractiveness than shorter men.

It’s no secret that one of the biggest reasons why women struggle with dating apps is that they focus too much on the superficial aspects of a profile (height, career and looks) early in the process and tend to ignore the other attributes.

Many women lack the ability to analyze profiles, read people, avoid red flags and call it quits in a relationship. Guys are much better at doing background checks, screening for catfishers, fake profiles etc. – they are less trusting early on.

Women tend to believe guys too quickly when dating; they tend to be more accepting everything he says is true rather than analyze his behavior, responsiveness, etiquette, manners and other underlying tones and signals.

The other reason why women like tall men is that tall men typically are more comfortable in their own skin and come off as such in their messaging and conversation skills.

Even in 2021, many women still like to adhere to gender stereotypes i.e. let the guy make the first move, let the guy ask the girl out. Most guys with limited dating experience lack this confidence that is sorely needed to stand out from the crowds.

I attended a speaking engagement about dating years ago in San Francisco and a guy in the stands made a comment about why it’s so tough for men to date these days. He said if a guy doesn’t have the 6-6-6 measurements, he has no chance (6 feet tall, 6 pack abs, 6 figure salary).

I could tell just by looking at his appearance (name the way he dressed and the way he groomed himself in addition to his tone, jadedness) he was not going to meet anyone soon.

It wasn’t his height, weight nor career that was holding him back (sure those things help), it was his miserable attitude and lack of confidence.

Related read: Most Used Filters, Deal-breakers On Dating Apps


Worst Bumble Bio, Bad Bumble About Me, Bumble Profile Examples, Bumble Bio Woman, Bumble Profile Female


Height-fishing & Lying About Height On Dating Apps: Is Height Important On Dating Apps?

I advocate for being honest on dating apps. If you are lying about height on dating site right off the bat, what else are you lying about on your profile, in your life? Just because you can meet someone in person more easily doesn’t mean you should lie on dating apps to make up for lack of success.

For my women clientele, I recommend reporting guys who lie about their age, height or recent of photos on dating apps to reduce this behavior. It’s never good to start off a relationship on a lie. Men: do you want to be with someone who is that superficial if they wouldn’t date you otherwise?

Lying about height can signal other things in one’s life, namely insecurity. If you have to revert to lies, it shows you are not confident in yourself nor your appearance. I would argue insecurity is a bigger turn off than physical looks and height.

Lying about height also shows that you don’t care about a woman’s preferences or think she knows what’s best for her. It’s this male attitude that drives women away in droves.


How To Attract Taller Women: Appearance, Confidence: Dating As A Short Guy

It’s no secret most women want to exclusively date men of their height or taller so how do you go about attracting women then? First off, work on yourself.

This includes: smiles, wardrobe, financial stability, style, charisma, hobbies, interests, manners, lifestyle and banter. This takes time and most men are impatient.

Many guys try to hack their way through dating apps and are unwilling to put in the time and effort to work on themselves offline and online.

The ones that do get awful, bias advice from friends most of the time (either they have no luck with apps, are more attractive and don’t have the same hurdles you do, or they are unwilling to be brutally honest with you).

You need unbiased, trusted help when it comes to dating. Most guys are uncomfortable with getting honest, direct feedback especially if they have success in other aspects of their life. They view it as an attack on their self-worth.

The ability to be comfortable in your own skin is invaluable. If you can’t get pass the filters on dating apps, get off of them or just use the dating apps that I recommend for shorter male clients. Too many men default to dating apps out of laziness or fear of being rejected in person.

Guys tend to focus too much on the negatives and what if’s. Reduce the odds and go offline where you have a woman’s attention rather than compete on dating apps that have a gender imbalance.

Avoid being ambivalent. Be direct, be candid, be self-deprecating and be chivalrous. Look her in the eye when you speak. If that doesn’t work, play the odds and focus your attention on shorter women closer to your height or shorter.

I am all for occasionally aiming outside one’s league but if you exclusively do that, it will be brutal. Focus on being a versatile individual.

There are too many dorky, tall guys that rely on their height and have no substance. Don’t focus on what you lack, focus on what you can improve upon and have advantages in.

Related read: What Do My Online Dating Profile Photos Signal?

Is It Ok To Date A Taller Girl? Would A Tall Girl Date A Shorter Guy? Dating A Taller Woman

Some guys are insecure about dating taller women and purposefully date short women. In extreme cases, they only date shorter women as part of a manipulation tactic or because they can’t date women their own height. Most men wouldn’t mind dating a taller woman.

Similarly, tall women sometimes are a bit insecure about their tall height, are a bit clumsy or wish they were shorter.

The benefits of dating a tall woman are limitless, but you will be taken more seriously as a man for having the confidence to do so and being seen in public. Being a confident guy goes a long way.

As long as you are comfortable in your own skin, that’s all a woman cares about as all women want confident men. It’s why many men in Hollywood date taller women all the time because it adds to their own self-confidence.


Online Dating Advice For Women

Screening Profiles, Why Don't Guys Reply, Low-Effort Messages, Overwhelmed w/ Matches, Signs He's Not Into You, What Your Dating Photos Signal, Coffee Dates, Lying About Age, Biggest Mistakes Women Make

Tall Girl Dating Problems: Dating As A Tall Girl, Does Height Matter Online Dating,

Guys like submissive women they can control. There are also some other, size, preferences involved, but I won’t get into that.

Some guys just don’t want to deal with a woman they think is too controlling, difficult or intense. They want someone who is easy, a pushover and won’t challenge them.

Obviously this is not all men, but many tall guys have their pick of the bunch when it comes to women, so they choose the path of lease resistance.

Just like with dating apps in general, it’s not uncommon for guys to swipe on everyone to only focus on those that they are most interested in and won’t challenge them.


Do Men Like Tall Girls? Do Short Guys Find Tall Women Attractive?

Not all men like tall girls. Some are insecure while others have weird fetishes of liking really short girls. It could be a control issue or some other weird reason. Rather than care about such men, focus on the guys that are worth your time.


What Height Do Guys Like For Girls?

Some guys like to date women their height, 6 inches shorter than them while some wouldn’t mind dating a woman 1-2 inches taller than them.


Do Guys Care If A Girl Is Short? Do Guys Like Short Girls? Do Tall Guys Like Short Women? 

Some actually prefer shorter girls. It could be a confidence thing or a insecurity but some guys purposefully seek out women much shorter than them.


How To Gain Confidence As A Tall Girl

Ignore the insecure men. Why do you care about what they think? of focusing too much of their time and effort on people that are not worth it.

Bumble Profile Tips!

Learn how to make a good Bumble profile, what prompts to use, what to put in a profile (photos, interests, bios & more). Addit'l help w/ boosts, compliments, messages, best photo/photo order, Bumble premium & more.


Is It Weird To Date A Taller Girl? Pros & Cons Of Dating A Tall Woman

Only if you feel weird. Most guys would jump at the chance to date a tall woman but if you are too insecure about it, your weirdness will draw more attention. If you are confident and comfortable about it, you have nothing to worry about.


What Is The Most Attractive Height For A Man? Are Taller Guys More Attractive? 

It’s not uncommon for women to list 6ft height minimum for matches on dating apps, but many women would consider a shorter guy it’s just that so many men lie about height that they have to have a height buffer.

Similarly, some guys can me more awkward even with height so it’s more important to be comfortable and confident in your own skin. Respect the woman’s height demands, preferences. Go offline if your height is holding you back.


Do Tall Women Intimidate Men? Tall Women Short Men, Taller Women Short Men

Yes, some do. It’s best not to worry about what men think more so what you want.


Do Tall Guys Do Well On Dating Apps? Does Height Affect Dating, Most Right Swiped Height

Yes, all things being equal, height helps but it can’t make up for bad grooming, hygiene, political differences, education, job, hobbies, lifestyle choices, narcissism, bad photos, bad writing skills, unrealistic expectations, location, ethnic preferences etc.


Bumble Height Filter Statistics, Bumble Height Preference Chart, Height And Dating Statistics

This chart is floating around and causing lots of discussion. Most guys don’t know what statistics are and think that these are minimums or medians. What this range shows is ranges. 38% or so of women have no upper range set and so 7’0″ is captured. It’s not that they selected 7’0″ but rather don’t use a filter.

Similarly, even if selected, that is the upper limit or max. That doesn’t mean they won’t date guys shorter than that. Lastly, this data set is sampled data from a 3rd party and not from Bumble directly. Never trust sampled data from 3rd party sources. Incels love blame apps and women too easily and often rather than work on themselves, focus on what they can control or ditch apps and meet women offline.

Men are mostly to blame for any unrealistic height preferences women have on dating apps. So many guys lie about height that women are forced to add a few inches to their preferred height to avoid being shown men shorter than them. That is right, blame your male friends, colleagues and classmates for this. If men actually listed their correct height, women would lower their height preferences.

Yes, dating apps are superficial but rather than worry about things outside your control, focus on being a better you. Plenty of guys under 6ft do well on dating apps and one thing they have in common is that they are not bitter little shits complaining on reddit all day. They typically have awesome personalities, confidence and self-awareness.

Things you can work on regardless of height:

-grooming habits



-swiping strategy

-realistic expectations







-eye contact


-political choices



Bumble Height Filter Removed

It’s not removed, it’s just relocated under advanced filters. More on filters here.


TLDR; Height And Online Dating

If you are really concerned about height, go offline and meet people in person where they tend to be less superficial and you can let your personality show through more easily.


About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie is a dating coach for men & women in San Francisco (clients in NYC, LA, Chicago, & beyond ), as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, red flags, lifestyle choices, hobbies, communication, social skills & offline efforts. Check out new dating blog here.