Seattle Dating Scene, What Is It Like Dating As A Woman, Man In Seattle, Seattle Freeze, Is Seattle Good For Singles, Dating? Seattle Online Dating Apps

What Is Dating Like For Men & Women In Seattle
When it comes to dating in Seattle, everyone has an opinion. Seattle is such a unique city that it’s weather, industries, gender ratios, history and geography can help to paint a picture of what it’s like to date in there.
While grumblings about dating, opposite sex, gender ratios and lifestyle choices are common attributes of other cities, understanding nuance can help to overcome hurdles and frustrations.
To understand Seattle dating scene and culture, one has to look at the roots of Microsoft and Amazon. Microsoft is still one of the largest employers in the area and given the industry it is in, it attracts a lot of engineers and tech folks, which tend to be overwhelmingly men.
Engineering fields tend to be dominated by men and as such, these guys tend to develop social skills much later in life and start dating later in life as well.
The success and talent draw of Microsoft led to subsequent companies establishing roots and further strengthening these gender ratios across the area.
Amazon and other companies have laid down a steady pipeline of young, single, socially awkward young men with the promise of great salaries which has taken a toll on everyone’s dating lives.
Bezo’s balls tea-bagging Seattle is the ultimate metaphor of what single people are hit with when they walk into a bar or open up a dating app – you can’t escape these folks even if you tried.
Related read: Common Mistakes Guys Make On Dating Sites
Dating Experiences – Tech Bros In Seattle

Dating In Seattle – People Lying About Living In The City
Given the geographical layout of the city, many people actually live in the surrounding areas. It’s pretty common for guys to lie about their location to boost visibility.
The only thing worst about the gender ratio in Seattle is the gender ratio in Redmond, Bellevue, Kirkland, Tacoma. Most women prefer to date within city limits while men will cast a wider net and date anyone, anywhere with a pulse.
While lying about physical location can feel like a minor, insignificant detail, it’s typically a deal-breaker for many. Not trusting others to be ok with your location is a red-flag and can leave others curious about what else you are lying about.
On average, men who work in jobs and industries like tech, startups, engineering often prefer to live in quieter, more predictable areas. They prioritize things like commute but overlook things like gender ratios, density of singles and social life.
Related read: Lying On Dating Apps
Online Dating Etiquette
Online dating rules, etiquette & more from texting, matching, first messages, date planning, liking vs. commenting, not interested, when to meet & more.
Seattle Gender Ratios, Single Men To Single Women Ratio In Seattle
Browse the internet, and you will see some stats like there are 2 single men to every single woman. I don’t doubt there are more men in Seattle, but almost every public record will have this closer to 50/50.
Sure, ratios will vary by age but just because men significantly outnumber women on dating apps, doesn’t mean single women are in that short of supply.
Most men will defer to meeting women on apps because of efficiency, insecurity, lack of social skills etc. while women can meet men organically offline, in person more frequently.
While apps are a great way to meet others outside your routine, social circles and neighborhood, they are not meant to be relied upon for all or even most of your dating efforts.
Too much reliance on apps can lead to a regression in social skills, inability to be spontaneous or immerse yourself in the world around you.
Over time, guys will either abandon dating apps or become more comfortable being single (after years of rejection, lack of results) while women will expand their efforts to meet men beyond their usual efforts. This shift in gender ratios on dating apps is pretty evident in most cities, not just Seattle.
What Is The Seattle Freeze? Seattle Dating Culture, How Bad Is Dating In Seattle
The term refers to how hard it is for transplants to meet people in the city given the unfriendliness of people in the area. It could be for resentment and gentrification, it could be cold winter months, it could be the demographics and personality of the type of people moving in or it could be that Seattle is one of the most medication cities around, ranks #1 for depression and is one of the most anxious populations.
Regardless of the main reasons, people in Seattle are pretty isolated and unless you have strong social connections, it’s tough to meet people organically.
Covid made that worst. Unless you prioritize meeting others and dating people, you will struggle. Given that Seattle is a tech heavy city, people rely on apps way too much to order food, do laundry and meet people.
If you look at the demographics of the city, it is one of the cities with the most transplants around and regardless of origin, most people don’t prioritize meeting others regardless of age or gender.
Related read: Dating App Addiction

Why Is Dating In Seattle So Hard? Dating In Seattle As A Man, Woman
That really depends on your exact location, lifestyle, ability to prioritize dating and get help. Just like saving up for a house or getting a degree or getting a great job requires lots of work, so does dating.
Many of the skills needed for those things are secondary when it comes to dating. Your ability to be honest, transparent and express emotion is key as well as be engaging and interesting.
If you have any social skills and are willing to put yourself out there, you can meet others easily offline or on the apps, however it will take work to unblock biases and blind spots and learn how to read people.
Profession, education and wealth can only take you so far – social skills, personality, intentions, lifestyle choices and chemistry matter as much if not more.
Most Popular Dating Apps In Seattle, Online Dating in Seattle
That will depend on your age, gender, orientation, lifestyle choices and intentions. It could be Bumble, Hinge, Tinder, OkCupid, Match, Coffee Meets Bagel or a newer app like Meddle (which is intended to rope in your non-single friends to help you navigate the online dating waters).

How To Meet People In Seattle, Where To Meet Single Men, Women In Seattle
You can’t just sign up for a Meetup group and expect friends in Seattle, nor can you just quickly create a Bumble profile and expect to get dates. Sure, it’s possible but it is not the norm. You are going to have to prioritize it.
This means going out, talking to strangers, dressing up, learning to improvise conversations, expanding hobbies beyond your comfort zone and learning to make mistakes along the way.
You have to learn how to smile, relate to others, make eye contact and talk about things other than work, tech, AI, crypto and startups. You will have to be approachable – that means doing things outside your comfort zone.
Start with joining teams, taking classes, volunteering, checking out new bars and restaurants, becoming a regular, sitting at communal tables and saying yes to invites.
Online Dating Photographer Seattle, Dating Profile Seattle
Contact me for updates on my next visit to Seattle for dating profile photoshoots.
Dating A Tech Bro In Seattle, Reddit (Worst Experience)
Dating Seattle Tech Bros Reddit
Dating Coach Seattle, Online Dating Consultant Seattle (Men, Women)
About Eddie Hernandez
Eddie is a dating coach for men & women in San Francisco (clients in NYC, LA, Chicago, & beyond ), as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, red flags, lifestyle choices, hobbies, communication, social skills, screening time-wasters & offline efforts. Check out the new dating blog here.