Treat Yo Self Photoshoot – Break-Ups, Model For A Day & More

Personalized Photoshoot, Hire A Personal Photographer For The Day: Post Break-Up Photoshoot

Chances are, you found me through a referral. Ask around, you will likely know at least 1 person who has worked with me in some capacity. I have compiled a range of lists ranging from happy hours, places to work remotely, date ideas, how to meet people in SF and more.

I have found a way to pull together much of my experiences and services for those that want to spoil themselves for whatever reason. I work with a lot of single men and women and capture them effortlessly for their dating profile photos (more like a talented photographer friend rather than some stiff bloke).


Treat Yo’ Self Photoshoot

People hire me to figure out where to live, move or figure out their lifestyle choices, hobbies, grooming habits, and communication style to date more effectively. Friends are great to have and great support systems, but they often give terrible advice, are jaded or unable to be brutally honest with you – that’s where I come in.

Hate shopping? Well, I do that too. I don’t photoshop my images and I need to make sure I get the most out of the photos, so I consult with clients on their appearance and style. As an image consultant, I aim to help clients look and feel their best, whether it’s for photos, an upcoming event or just an overhaul of their social life.

I know may way around the city like no other. Beautiful spaces for photos, scenic places for backdrops, hard-to-find seats at fun bars and amazing restaurants – consider me like a personalized concierge but more fun, interactive and knowledgeable.

I even started my own curated weekly newsletter highlighting things to do, see, taste, eat and experience around the city. Check it out below.

What Does A Treat Yo Self Photoshoot Package Entail? Professional Photo Shoot

These packages are fully customizable. Some people want photos, some people want to do some shopping, some people want to grab a drink, some people want to indulge at bites at the bar while others want a tour-like experience going from place to place (venue, view, walking tour etc). It really depends on what you want to focus on.

Location scouting is my specialty – I spend more time than anyone researching spots, trying places through trial and error and talking to strangers at the bar seats at cocktail lounges and restaurants.

A quick introduction call will help me understand your story, background and what you might benefit from.


What Are Some Examples Of Experiences Offered?

-What to order, how to order at bars (i.e. how to order beers at Toronado, how to talk to bartenders and order drinks effectively etc).

-Where to sit at popular spaces and people watch, put yourself in the best situations to talk to strangers organically, and find the best places to meet single people based on your demographics.

-How to dress to get more attention and compliments from strangers.

-How to shop for yourself (what colors work best for you, how to shop more efficiently/intelligently, where to shop based on lifestyle, body and what you want to convey/attract).

-Personalized walking tour (architecture, look-outs, hidden gems, local hangouts). Follow me on IG to get a sense of places I know, visit and appreciate.

-Favorite places to work remotely (best places with outlets, communal vibes/social aesthetics).

-Fun conversations to that will span a variety of topics like travel, food, culture, hobbies & interests. They can be fun and light-hearted while some can go deep and make you do some reflection. Many people use it as a Q&A session spanning dating, meeting people, and learning more about the city and surrounding areas. Some people use it to pick my brain on my personal recommendations (food, drinks, hikes, getaways, classes, favorite places to sit at bars/restaurants, best views, hard-to-find tickets to events etc.)

-How to strike up conversations with people out and about. How to find events, classes, volunteer efforts, hangouts and people to build up your social circle. 

In general, I aim to help folks learn how to be whole and appreciate the world around them, meet others, explore interests, expand hobbies, see things a bit differently. Every booking is unique and customized. I do the research, I tell you what to expect and you show up ready to enjoy our day.


Photo Questions, Privacy

I am one of the most discrete photographers you will ever meet. Depending on your comfort level, crowds and location, I can alternate between my DSLR and camera phone (Google Pixel 5). Most of the time, people don’t know I am taking photos. I typically send over all the flattering photos from a set (at least 8-12 photos per outfit/location/hour).

Two styles I focus on are more general beauty/modeling type photos (just want to feel/look good) while others focus on more candid, organic photos i.e. dating profiles (typically taken with my phone). The latter focus more on backgrounds, popular places great for conversation starters etc.

I know where to sit for best lighting but also to avoid attention/eyeballs from others. I work with people who are shy, introverted and have a bit of anxiety all the time.

None of my photos will be posted on my website or social media pages. These are all for you.

I do not photoshop my images but will light edit for lighting, shadows at my discretion. 

Photography Services  |  Dating Services 


Why Am I Different? Why Should You Hire Me?

You shouldn’t hire me as your therapist because I am not one. But I am regularly referred to by therapists for my dating coach and photo efforts and my local knowledge on meeting people.

I couch-surfed in my 20s and do some here and there. People would open up their homes to me – a complete stranger because of what I could share with them and offer in terms of dialogue, activities, friendship and more. I often would rent out rooms in Airbnb’s (rather than whole apartments) so I could meet and interact with locals wherever I went.

You shouldn’t hire me to fix things for you. You have to be happy with yourself or at least on a path in that direction but I can help you get there. Despite my knowledge and direction during these experiences, this is a partnership rather than a one-sided coaching session. I expect people to be present, curious, vulnerable and optimistic.


How Much Does This Cost? Travel Locations? Personal Photoshoot San Francisco

Prices will vary and are customized but can range from about $300/hour and up (plus expenses drinks, food, clothes, taxis etc). Yes, that is expensive but consider the local knowledge, outlook and experience I have from working with people one on one in fun, interesting and unique situations in their lives (professional, singles, those that are new in town etc.). 

Areas I am familiar with are San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City, Barcelona, Seattle, Tokyo, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia. Travel fees are subject to time and other considerations. Contact me for a quote today.


Next Steps – Personal Photographer San Francisco, Personal Photoshoot Bay Area

Contact me with some information about yourself – why you reached out, social media links, what you hope to achieve, experience or change about yourself.

I will set up a quick introductory call and see if it makes sense to discuss scheduling a session. I will send a quote over with a rough itinerary but will leave wiggle room for surprises, last minute changes or improvisations on the fly.


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About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie is a professional photographer in SF w/ clients internationally. He balances approachability & professionalism, focusing on wardrobes, appearance, location scouting.