Is Tawkify Legit? Tawkify Reviews, Alternatives, Tawkify vs It’s Just Lunch, Tawkify Pricing, Complaints, Stories; Tawkify Dating, How Much Does Tawkify Cost?
If you are thinking about using Tawkify, please read this first. As someone who has consulted people on dating services (which apps to use, dating apps vs matchmakers, etc) I can tell not all services are as they appear.
The NYT interviewed me about the discrepancy around matchmaker ratings, dissatisfaction and why people use them.
For one, Google reviews can often be inflated as they are less likely to flag/remove reviews. Secondly, if you Google ‘Tawkify Yelp Reviews’ their Yelp page is buried that you may never find it.
Understand the types of people you are getting matched with is key. Luckily, I have the link for you below as well as other important information to know before signing up.
What Is Tawkify? How Does Tawkify Work? Is Tawkify A Dating Site?
Tawkify is a matchmaking service that claims to service larger cities in the United States, “heavily concentrated in larger cities and areas, but also spread out nationwide.” Anyone can say they serve any market, but do they serve it well? That’s another question.
Matches are curated so you don’t get to see who you go on a date with. The use of deal-breakers is uncertain and experience can be hit or miss because of this.
How Much Does Tawkify Cost, Tawkify Pricing? Is Tawkify Free
Tawkify charges fees for creating a profile in their database and then a recurring fee for matchmaking services (being in their database doesn’t mean you will be paired off often or at all). For passive accounts, there is a nominal fee associated with the service (check out details below. Tawkify pricing can vary, so best to search for deals, landing pages.
Is Tawkify Worth It, Is Tawkify Worth The Money
With that said, most people have bad profiles to begin with, so I won’t discount that bad experience all on Tawkify (user error is sometimes to blame).
Secondly, dates on Tawkify are blind dates, meaning you can’t see the people before you meet. Not bad if you have no preferences or deal-breakers, but not so much if you are picky in any sense (most people are).
Tawkify Lawsuit, Tawkify Class Action Lawsuit
According to this lawsuit, one client paid $3,700 for 6 dates. The terms of service are rather long and detailed ‘ten pages long with substantive terms covering nine pages’ and most people don’t read the fine print. Yes, this is partly user error, but it’s also rather overkill.
The biggest red flag is that all disputes be handled via arbitration. This is what many large tech companies use in their employee work clauses. Definitely worth a read.
Tawkify Member vs Client, Tawkify Subscription Cost

Tawkify Dates, What To Expect. Matchable Members vs Paid Clients
If you do sign up for Tawkify, make sure you specify you only want to go on dates with paid clients not ‘matchable members‘ who only paid a small fee to get matched with paid clients.
Tawkify Trustpilot Reviews – Dating Service Reviews
Many matchmakers use internal services or more 3rd party services like Trustpilot. Trustpilot is a service that has come under the microscope for the nature of the reviews, you can read more about that here.
Before signing up for any service, read all the reviews, read Yelp reviews, and read the people who are writing reviews (in some cases people from the company are righting reviews for themselves).
Tawkify Birdseye Reviews
Alternatives To Dating Apps
How to meet men, women without dating apps. Alternatives to online dating. Where to meet women, men in real life. How to meet women, men offline, in-person.
Tawkify Yelp Reviews, Tawkify Success Stories, Tawkify Success Rate, Tawkify Reviews NYC
As you can see, some of these listings do not show up in organic search results (Google nor Yelp).
Tawkify Better Business Bureau Reviews (Tawkify BBB Reviews)
Tawkify Reddit Review, Tawkify Real Reviews, Tawkify Bad Reviews, Tawkify Reviews Reddit
Tawkify vs It’s Just Lunch: It’s Just Lunch Complaints, Tawkify Alternatives
It’s Just Lunch is not much better. See the reviews below. At least their reviews are easier to find.
It’s Just Lunch LA Reviews:
It’s Just Lunch San Francisco Reviews:
It’s Just Lunch New York Reviews:
What Cities Is Tawkify In?
They say they ‘probably’ on their site. Huge red flag. Matchmakers are not in every city. Local knowledge is key to being a successful matchmaker.
Does Tawkify Do Criminal Background Checks?
From their terms of use… as of March 2022.
Read this post about background checks.
New Blog: Modern Dating By Eddie
New to dating? Little experience dating? Confused by rules’? Making the same mistakes? Frustrated with modern dating culture. Overwhelmed? Find out what 5,000+ subscribers have discovered.
Things To Ask Your Matchmaker, Specify Before Agreeing To A Date, Questions To Ask A Matchmaker
Some people don’t specify dealbreakers when it comes to possible matches and as such, waste value dates and money on people they have zero interest in. Limiting users to 3 dealbreakers is pretty limited. Ask for more.
-Distance: do you want to get matched with someone 20-45+ miles away?
-Weight/height: not advocating that you be superficial, but bare minimums are recommended.
-Income/lifestyle/religion/smoking: seems obvious, but not really unless you specify it.
-Age, kids, previously married: these are three different items.
As you can see, I listed more than half a dozen common, normal deal-breakers. Limiting users to three is a set up for failure, frustration.
Tawkify Member vs Client, Tawkify Membership
There is a difference in services. If you want to be matched with paid clients like yourself, state it. Some of the clients on Tawkify might also on dating apps so be sure you know what you are getting yourself into. It pays to ask questions and get everything in writing.
Tawkify Refunds, Tawkify Refund Phone Number, Tawkify Cancellation Policy
Coming soon. Read this for now.
Should You Use Dating Apps? Is Online Dating Worth It?
It definitely can be helpful but keep in mind dating apps are tools. Tools are subject to user error. Dating apps can’t make up for bad photos, lazy profiles, remote locations, unrealistic expectations, poor strategy, timing and communication nor do they operate like order apps (DoorDash).
Dating apps are not for everyone but before you give up hope on them, make sure you are not self-sabotaging your efforts with bad profiles.
Should You Outsource Your Dating Life? Should You Use Matchmakers?
About Eddie Hernandez
Eddie is a professional photographer in SF w/ clients internationally. He balances approachability & professionalism, focusing on wardrobes, appearance, location scouting.