Bumble Speed Dating Review: Is It Worth It? Does It Work? How To Use Bumble Speed Dating; What Is It; Bumble Speed Dating Tips, Bumble IRL Events

Bumble has been losing users and money for quite some time. People are tired of dating apps, tired of being ghosted (which can now lead to being banned from the app), tired of endless chats leading nowhere, and tired of meeting unavailable individuals.

To combat online dating fatigue and accelerate communication and interactions with users on the app, it has launched a speed dating function. They launched Bantr (in a collaboration effort with Ted Lasso) but have since just updated the feature as Bumble speed dating. This occurs 7-8pm local time.


What Is Bumble Speed Dating? How Does It Work? How To Sign Up For Bumble Speed Dating

Bumble matches you with people and you chat with them before seeing each other’s profile. All you know is the person’s name and age. At the end of 3 minutes, chat expires and you will be shown their photo, if both people like each other, a match is established. Messages from speed dating will not be copied over to the match queue if you do match.

To sign up, tap the stopwatch in the upper right. You will get a notice to join on Thursday at 7pm. If you have no people in your area, you may not get many suggestions to chat with.

Edit: Bumble has changed their speed dating to Sundays at 7pm in San Francisco. Check your app for local days/times.


Bumble Speed Dating

Bumble Profile Tips!

Learn how to make a good Bumble profile, what prompts to use, what to put in a profile (photos, interests, bios & more). Addit'l help w/ boosts, compliments, messages, best photo/photo order, Bumble premium & more.

Bumble Speed Dating Can’t Find Anyone: Bumble Speed Dating No Matches

Bumble speed dating is not used by everyone and similarly, you have to be in a populated area to have enough people in your area for it to be worth your time.


Bumble Speed Dating Tips: Bumble Speed Dating Questions,  What To Say

In order to do well on Bumble Speed Dating, you need to be ready. If you stall, don’t know what to say, look kind of raggedy or look uninterested or sound boring, you will likely not do well. 

I recommend folks practice first before using the function. They can work on their voice (get feedback on tone, intonation), take improv classes (to help them think on their feet), immerse themselves in local news, culture, arts, music and other subject (if you are a boring person with no hobbies, hard to keep up conversations).

-Get a good light ring (avoid raccoon eyes)

-Clean your room/apt

-Make sure you have a strong wifi connection

-Avoid holding the phone (usually the closer you phone is to your face, the wider/more distorted it will look

-Show more than your floating head (should be at least down to your chest if not your belly button area

You can send gifs, but then that would require you to look away and feel like you are not paying attention (not recommended). You also have the option of playing the questions game (feels lazy, unoriginal, also not recommended). 


Bumble Speed Dating Openers, Opening Lines; Bumble Speed Dating Live

You have to go with you know or can infer from the photos, bio, prompts, background in the video or appearance. In my coaching sessions we will go over things for you to practice, materials to watch/read, where to look and how to create an approachable environment to increase conversation starters.


Bumble IRL Events, Bumble IRL Review

Bumble occasionally hosts in-person events for major cities. See list here of Bumble IRL events: https://bumble.events/bumbleirlthemenew 


Did Bumble Remove Speed Dating? Bumble Speed Dating Gone

Bumble Speed Dating is still around but the timer shows up closer to the day of the week. In some cases, speed dating may not be available in your area (too remote, too few people, not enough people in your age or other demographics). In other cases, Bumble is testing out different days of the week based on location. Lastly, for some cases, it’s only available as a paid feature.

Whatever the case, Bumble Speed Dating is only one tool, and you should not rely on it just like you shouldn’t rely on dating apps for all or even most of your dating efforts.


Dating Coach Services

Photos, Profile Reviews, Image Consulting, Date Ideas, Meeting Singles Offline, Social Skills, Screening Profiles, Reading People & More. Clients: Women, Men, Gay & Straight Individuals Seeking Relationships

About Eddie Hernandez

Eddie is a dating coach for men & women, as seen in the NYT & Bumble). He helps w/ profiles, photos, wardrobe, messaging, date ideas, lifestyle choices, hobbies, social skills, screening time-wasters & offline efforts. Check out the new dating blog here.